HI Friends, Here comes a "Diet" Edition 19 of Good to Great…Special thanks and credits for this week are to Pavithra, Ramesh, Ram, Prabhakar, Sampath, Priya...
So what’s new – New sections - Leadership quote of the day, new game, and a new poll.
Not surprisingly Readers choose "Its All about YOU" and "Management thoughts" as there most favourite sections in the poll - Some people indicated that they had polled, but their votes were not registered, so presume Google is still fine tuning some of the tools.
Read in Leisure and please continue to share your articles, jokes, puzzles, feedback to balajineela@gmail.com
So what’s new – New sections - Leadership quote of the day, new game, and a new poll.
Not surprisingly Readers choose "Its All about YOU" and "Management thoughts" as there most favourite sections in the poll - Some people indicated that they had polled, but their votes were not registered, so presume Google is still fine tuning some of the tools.
Read in Leisure and please continue to share your articles, jokes, puzzles, feedback to balajineela@gmail.com
1. Its all about YOU..B/f Priya
2. Thought for this week…B/f Ram
3. Lateral thinking…Ball in the hole..its different..B/f Murthy
4. Management quick tips.. Make the difference..(S&H)
5. Jokes corner..Dilbert Strikes..B/f Srinath
6. Management thoughts…The Window..Angelenaa
7. Health – Weight Loss…B/f Murthy
8. Cartoonz.. B/f Arvind
9. 2 Tips for this week..B/f Vamsee & B/f Swetha
10. Friends…"I Believe"..B/f Mohit
11. Closing thoughts
1. Its all about YOU ..
Take the whole responsibility on your own shoulders.
1. Its all about YOU..B/f Priya
2. Thought for this week…B/f Ram
3. Lateral thinking…Ball in the hole..its different..B/f Murthy
4. Management quick tips.. Make the difference..(S&H)
5. Jokes corner..Dilbert Strikes..B/f Srinath
6. Management thoughts…The Window..Angelenaa
7. Health – Weight Loss…B/f Murthy
8. Cartoonz.. B/f Arvind
9. 2 Tips for this week..B/f Vamsee & B/f Swetha
10. Friends…"I Believe"..B/f Mohit
11. Closing thoughts
1. Its all about YOU ..
Take the whole responsibility on your own shoulders.
Know that you are the creator of your own destiny.
All the strength and success you want is within yourself…..
Stand up. Be Bold. Be strong. Make your own future.
By Swami Vivekananda
2. Thought for this week
Lee Iacocca (former President of Ford Motor Company) told Vince Lombard a football coach that he wants to know exactly what makes a winning team.
Vince Lombard said ‘If you are going to play together as a team, you have got to care for each other. Each person must be thinking of the next guy and saying to himself: If I don’t block that man, Paul is going to get his legs broken.
I have to do my job so well in order that he can do his. The difference between mediocrity and greatness is the feeling these guys have for each other. Most people call it team spirit.
When each person is imbued with that special feelings,
By Swami Vivekananda
2. Thought for this week
Lee Iacocca (former President of Ford Motor Company) told Vince Lombard a football coach that he wants to know exactly what makes a winning team.
Vince Lombard said ‘If you are going to play together as a team, you have got to care for each other. Each person must be thinking of the next guy and saying to himself: If I don’t block that man, Paul is going to get his legs broken.
I have to do my job so well in order that he can do his. The difference between mediocrity and greatness is the feeling these guys have for each other. Most people call it team spirit.
When each person is imbued with that special feelings,
you know that you have got yourself a winning team.
3. Lateral thinking..Ball in the hole…its different!!!
Another classic - But lots of new possibilities with evolving technologies....
A table tennis ball fell into a tight deep pipe - it is about 30 cm long, buried in concrete pavement, having firm metal bottom, only 1 cm of the pipe is above the ground so it can not be moved. The pipe was only a bit wider then the ball, so you can not use your hand. How would you take it out, with no damage?
There are so MANY other answers other than "simply fill the hole with water and the ball will raise up out of the pipe"...tickle your grey cells..I am sure you could come with some more...if you have a new answer other than those below, You are a genius!!!#
Answers after Friends…..
4. Management quick tips.. Make the difference
A man was taking a morning walk on the beach. He saw that hundreds of starfish came in the tide, and when the tide receded, the starfish were left behind on the beach.
With the Sun’s rays, they would die. The tide had just gone out and the starfish were still alive. The man took a few steps, ??????????????
He picked one up, and threw it into the water. He did that repeatedly………………….
Another man came along who couldn’t understand!!!! What this man was doing.
He asked,” what are you doing? There are hundreds of starfish. How many can you help? What difference does it make?”.
This man did not reply, took two more steps, picked up another one, threw into the water, and said,
3. Lateral thinking..Ball in the hole…its different!!!
Another classic - But lots of new possibilities with evolving technologies....
A table tennis ball fell into a tight deep pipe - it is about 30 cm long, buried in concrete pavement, having firm metal bottom, only 1 cm of the pipe is above the ground so it can not be moved. The pipe was only a bit wider then the ball, so you can not use your hand. How would you take it out, with no damage?
There are so MANY other answers other than "simply fill the hole with water and the ball will raise up out of the pipe"...tickle your grey cells..I am sure you could come with some more...if you have a new answer other than those below, You are a genius!!!#
Answers after Friends…..
4. Management quick tips.. Make the difference
A man was taking a morning walk on the beach. He saw that hundreds of starfish came in the tide, and when the tide receded, the starfish were left behind on the beach.
With the Sun’s rays, they would die. The tide had just gone out and the starfish were still alive. The man took a few steps, ??????????????
He picked one up, and threw it into the water. He did that repeatedly………………….
Another man came along who couldn’t understand!!!! What this man was doing.
He asked,” what are you doing? There are hundreds of starfish. How many can you help? What difference does it make?”.
This man did not reply, took two more steps, picked up another one, threw into the water, and said,
“It makes a difference to this One.”
What difference are we making? BIG OR SMALL, it does not matter.
If everyone made a small difference, we’d end up with a BIG DIFFERENCE, WOULDN’T WE?
Build up the participation attitude. Your tiny view can make an EXTRA-ordinary output.
5. Jokes corner..Dilbert strikes…Classic one
The Best of "Dilbert Out-Of-Office" E-Mail Auto-Reply:
a: You are receiving this automatic notification because I am out of the office. If I was in, chances are you wouldn't have received anything at all.
b: Thank you for your email. Your credit card has been charged $5.99 for the first ten words and $1.99 for each additional word in your message.
c: The e-mail server is unable to verify your server connection and is unable to deliver this message. Please restart your computer and try sending again.
What difference are we making? BIG OR SMALL, it does not matter.
If everyone made a small difference, we’d end up with a BIG DIFFERENCE, WOULDN’T WE?
Build up the participation attitude. Your tiny view can make an EXTRA-ordinary output.
5. Jokes corner..Dilbert strikes…Classic one
The Best of "Dilbert Out-Of-Office" E-Mail Auto-Reply:
a: You are receiving this automatic notification because I am out of the office. If I was in, chances are you wouldn't have received anything at all.
b: Thank you for your email. Your credit card has been charged $5.99 for the first ten words and $1.99 for each additional word in your message.
c: The e-mail server is unable to verify your server connection and is unable to deliver this message. Please restart your computer and try sending again.
(The beauty of this is that when you return, you can see how many in-duh-viduals did this over and over).
d: Thank you for your message, which has been added to a queueing system. You are currently in 352nd place, and can expect to receive a reply in approximately 19 weeks.
e: Hi. I'm thinking about what you've just sent me. Please wait by your PC for my response.
f: I will be out of the office for the next 2 weeks for medical reasons. When I return, please refer to me as 'Jennifer' instead of 'Steve'.
6. Management thoughts.. The Window
A young couple moves into a new neighborhood. The next morning, while they are eating breakfast, the young woman sees her neighbor hang the wash outside. That laundry is not very clean, she said, she doesn’t know how to wash correctly.
Perhaps she needs better laundry soap. Her husband looked on, but remained silent.
Every time her neighbor would hang her wash to dry, the young woman would make the same comments.
About one month later, the woman was surprised to see a nice clean wash on the line and said to her husband:
Look! She has learned how to wash correctly. I wonder who taught her this.
The husband said: I got up early this morning and cleaned our windows!
And so it is with life:
What we see when watching others depends on the purity of the window through which we look. Before we give any criticism, it might be a good idea to check our state of mind and ask ourselves if we are ready to see the good rather than to be looking for something in the person we are about to judge.
7. Health..Weight Loss
“Golden dozen tips” from the experts to reduce your weight:
d: Thank you for your message, which has been added to a queueing system. You are currently in 352nd place, and can expect to receive a reply in approximately 19 weeks.
e: Hi. I'm thinking about what you've just sent me. Please wait by your PC for my response.
f: I will be out of the office for the next 2 weeks for medical reasons. When I return, please refer to me as 'Jennifer' instead of 'Steve'.
6. Management thoughts.. The Window
A young couple moves into a new neighborhood. The next morning, while they are eating breakfast, the young woman sees her neighbor hang the wash outside. That laundry is not very clean, she said, she doesn’t know how to wash correctly.
Perhaps she needs better laundry soap. Her husband looked on, but remained silent.
Every time her neighbor would hang her wash to dry, the young woman would make the same comments.
About one month later, the woman was surprised to see a nice clean wash on the line and said to her husband:
Look! She has learned how to wash correctly. I wonder who taught her this.
The husband said: I got up early this morning and cleaned our windows!
And so it is with life:
What we see when watching others depends on the purity of the window through which we look. Before we give any criticism, it might be a good idea to check our state of mind and ask ourselves if we are ready to see the good rather than to be looking for something in the person we are about to judge.
7. Health..Weight Loss
“Golden dozen tips” from the experts to reduce your weight:
Be realistic: It is essential that you have a realistic, healthy eating and exercise plan in place. Aim for a goal that is attainable. For example ½ kg – 1 kg of weight loss per week and for the best result, consult a professional in the field.
Make a “good” and “not so good” food list: It helps when you put down on paper a list of food items that you should avoid to keep your motivation strong. Keep your list with you and refer to it whenever you need help to keep your resolve.
Talk about it and get your family, friends, colleagues involved: Share your weight loss plan with your family, friends/ colleagues especially if some of your family members have the same resolution, this way you’ll be more likely to stick with your weight loss plan.
Make your workout enjoyable: If you find an exercise routine that you truly enjoy, you will be more likely to commit to it. Remember that exercise raises your brain’s serotonin levels, which increases feelings of wellbeing and helps ward off depression.
Track your progress: Keep track of every small success you make toward reaching your big goal. Short-term goals are easier to keep and small accomplishments will help keep you motivated.
Keep a positive attitude: Be positive with your thinking and how good you will feel once you lose the excess weight. If you hit a weight loss plateau, remain confident that you will overcome this and still reach your goal.
Reward yourself: This doesn't mean that you can indulge in large quantities of sweets and desserts. However, celebrate your success by treating yourself to something that you enjoy once in a while.
Be honest: about your eating habits. Keep a food journal as part of your weight loss plan and be completely honest about the foods you eat. The journal will help you keep track of the foods you are eating and give you an idea about your calorie consumption
Take it one step at a time: Gradually change your lifestyle like choosing low fat dairy products in the first week and then move to consuming higher portions of fruits and vegetables the second week and so on.
Take it slow: By gradually changing your food habits, you are increasing your chances of following these healthy changes for the rest of your life, which is important not only for weight loss but for weight maintenance too.
Keep trying: If your resolution has not achieved good results by the first 6-8 weeks, don't give up. Start over again and let a nutritionist or dietitian track your progress, motivate you and help you achieve your goal.
Good to Remember:
When following a weight loss plan, don’t deprive yourself completely; instead allow yourself a treat of your choice once or twice a week.Remember that being healthy today and following good eating habits will help you reach a healthy weight which will benefit your overall health too.
Cartoons.. SEARCHING 4 U
For the last 2 hours, I have been searching for you........!!!!!
I know you are in front of the PC, but I am not able to identify YOU!!Please help me...Just tell me where YOU are in the Photo...
9. 2 Tips for this week….
a) Google search more effectively
If you want to retrieve information from a particular website then we can use the function:
Site:<> "search term"
Eg-- site:deloitte.com "Tax"
It would list all the relevant pages that have Tax
b) Birth & Death Certificate
If you (or your kids) were born in Chennai, you can download your Birth Certificate in PDF format or print it directly from this site, by filling any two columns.
http://www.chennaicorporation.gov.in/online-civic-services/birthCertificate.do?do=showa) Google search more effectively
If you want to retrieve information from a particular website then we can use the function:
Site:<> "search term"
Eg-- site:deloitte.com "Tax"
It would list all the relevant pages that have Tax
b) Birth & Death Certificate
If you (or your kids) were born in Chennai, you can download your Birth Certificate in PDF format or print it directly from this site, by filling any two columns.
Laudable effort from the Chennai Corporation. Hope others follow suit. Some brokers will be jobless now and the associated bribery among officials reduced.
Note: DOB Year Limit is 1950.
Death Certificates are also available for download in the same site.
10. Friends….I Believe...
I Believe…..A Birth Certificate shows that we were born, A Death Certificate shows that we died, Pictures show that we lived! Have a seat . . . Relax . . . And read this slowly.
Death Certificates are also available for download in the same site.
10. Friends….I Believe...
I Believe…..A Birth Certificate shows that we were born, A Death Certificate shows that we died, Pictures show that we lived! Have a seat . . . Relax . . . And read this slowly.
I Believe... That just because two people argue, it doesn't mean they don't love each other. And just because they don't argue, it doesn't mean they do love each other.
I Believe... That we don't have to change friends, if we understand that friends change.
I Believe...That no matter how good a friend is, they're going to hurt U every once in a while
& U must forgive them for that.
I Believe...That true friendship continues to grow, even over the longest distance. Same goes for true love. I Believe...That even when U think U have no more to give, when a friend cries out to U
- U will find the strength to help.
I Believe... That my best friend and I, can do anything, or nothing and have the best time.
Answer to Lateral thinking puzzle:
Remove the Brush from the vacuum cleaner and just with the pipe on the vacuum cleaner and suck the ball
Use a stick with a very strong glue attached to the end. Put it into the pipe, press it on the ball, and then bring it out with the ball stuck to it.
Blow strongly into the pipe, along one side.
The simplest solution. if there is no water around then pee. Isnt it interesting!
ha ha ha
11. Closing thoughts…
We had some rather interesting discussions on being fit, weight, slim, removing that excess fat, etc., over the past few weeks in office during the tea breaks…it was interesting and lively discussions…Some recent inspirations in office have been 2 people who have lost 16+ kgs (Hmm..) through structured programs…this also led to good discussions on methods to lose weight – short term weight loss methods, dieting, exercising, food habits, etc.,
We can have endless debates on this topic, but a combination of
Good eating habits + right attitude (as regards eating, food) + Exercise + Correct Habits
seems to be a good mantra for Staying healthy
Side effects….Studies show that, If you are fit/ Healthy, you display a much more positive attitude…You are much more respected and consequently your self esteem grows…wow, a good side effect to have
So what are your thoughts to get yourself to a staying fit or healthy – Do take the poll and share your thoughts with the group.
Cheers and take care till we meet again in the next edition
Remove the Brush from the vacuum cleaner and just with the pipe on the vacuum cleaner and suck the ball
Use a stick with a very strong glue attached to the end. Put it into the pipe, press it on the ball, and then bring it out with the ball stuck to it.
Blow strongly into the pipe, along one side.
The simplest solution. if there is no water around then pee. Isnt it interesting!
ha ha ha
11. Closing thoughts…
We had some rather interesting discussions on being fit, weight, slim, removing that excess fat, etc., over the past few weeks in office during the tea breaks…it was interesting and lively discussions…Some recent inspirations in office have been 2 people who have lost 16+ kgs (Hmm..) through structured programs…this also led to good discussions on methods to lose weight – short term weight loss methods, dieting, exercising, food habits, etc.,
We can have endless debates on this topic, but a combination of
Good eating habits + right attitude (as regards eating, food) + Exercise + Correct Habits
seems to be a good mantra for Staying healthy
Side effects….Studies show that, If you are fit/ Healthy, you display a much more positive attitude…You are much more respected and consequently your self esteem grows…wow, a good side effect to have
So what are your thoughts to get yourself to a staying fit or healthy – Do take the poll and share your thoughts with the group.
Cheers and take care till we meet again in the next edition