In this weeks edition, we will start a series of small personal things, which has its impact on the way we work or our moods and hence our performance. We will start with a good sleep, oops sorry – all about the importance of a Good Sleep, and how to get that sleep.
* Reflect back on some really bad days at work or at home – and think back on the previous nights sleep ; Most likely you might have had a poor sleep
* On the contrary, think of days when you found yourself Floating around with tons of energy – hey slept really well on the previous night, didn't we?

* Could help avoid the big Yawn in between the important meeting with your Boss or clients
* Reflect back on some really bad days at work or at home – and think back on the previous nights sleep ; Most likely you might have had a poor sleep
* On the contrary, think of days when you found yourself Floating around with tons of energy – hey slept really well on the previous night, didn't we?

* Could help avoid the big Yawn in between the important meeting with your Boss or clients
* Also helps us to focus (if we are not trying to ward away the sleep) and therefore helps better performance..
Quality sleep is important to your health. Make a commitment to yourself – don’t “rest” until you find the solution to your sleep problems!
Now lets us see some enablers for a good sleep; For a good understanding, Classifying it broadly as(Many of these points are just common sense)
Quality sleep is important to your health. Make a commitment to yourself – don’t “rest” until you find the solution to your sleep problems!
Now lets us see some enablers for a good sleep; For a good understanding, Classifying it broadly as(Many of these points are just common sense)
Your Habits
* Have and stick to a regular bedtime and wake up schedule: Try to go to bed and get up about the same time each night and morning. The body "gets used" to falling asleep at a certain time, but only if this is relatively fixed. Even if you are retired or not working, this is an essential component of good sleeping habits.
* Do not nap Napping can disrupt normal sleep cycles. Not a bad thing to do, provided you limit the nap to 30-45 minutes and can sleep well at night.
* Avoid caffeine or Alcohol 4-6 hours before bedtime. This includes caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea and many sodas, as well as chocolate, so be careful. While alcohol has an immediate sleep-inducing effect, a few hours later as the alcohol levels in your blood start to fall, there is a stimulant or wake-up effect.
* Avoid heavy, spicy, or sugary foods 4-6 hours before bedtime. These can affect your ability to stay asleep.
* Exercise regularly, but not right before bed. Regular exercise, particularly in the afternoon, can help deepen sleep. Strenuous exercise within the 2 hours before bedtime, however, can decrease your ability to fall asleep.
* Make your bedroom a "quiet" room Do not watch television in your bedroom. Use it for

Sleeping Environment
* Use a comfortable bed: Uncomfortable bedding can prevent good sleep. Evaluate whether or not this is a source of your problem, and make appropriate changes.
* Find a comfortable temperature setting for sleeping and keep the room well ventilated. If your bedroom is too cold or too hot, it can keep you awake. A cool (not cold) bedroom is often the most conducive to sleep.
* Block out all distracting noise, and eliminate as much light as possible.
* Reserve the bed for sleep and sex. Don't use the bed as an office, workroom or recreation room. Let your body "know" that the bed is associated with sleeping.
Getting Ready (For Bed)
* Try a light snack before bed. Warm milk and foods high in the amino acid tryptophan, such as bananas, may help you to sleep.
* Practice relaxation techniques before bed. Relaxation techniques may help relieve anxiety and reduce muscle tension. Learn yoga, deep breathing, quiet mediation or listen to soft music while trying to fall asleep.
* Don't take your worries to bed. Leave your worries about job, school, daily life, etc., behind when you go to bed. Some people find it useful to assign a "worry period" during the evening or late afternoon to deal with these issues. Avoid troubling news right before bed. Violence in newspapers or on television may bother some people making it difficult to fall asleep. Try reading a book instead.
* Establish a pre-sleep ritual. Pre-sleep rituals, such as a warm bath or a few minutes of reading, can help you sleep.
* Get into your favourite sleeping position. If you don't fall asleep within 15-30 minutes, get up, go into another room, and read until sleepy.
* Practice relaxation techniques before bed. Relaxation techniques may help relieve anxiety and reduce muscle tension. Learn yoga, deep breathing, quiet mediation or listen to soft music while trying to fall asleep.
* Don't take your worries to bed. Leave your worries about job, school, daily life, etc., behind when you go to bed. Some people find it useful to assign a "worry period" during the evening or late afternoon to deal with these issues. Avoid troubling news right before bed. Violence in newspapers or on television may bother some people making it difficult to fall asleep. Try reading a book instead.
* Establish a pre-sleep ritual. Pre-sleep rituals, such as a warm bath or a few minutes of reading, can help you sleep.
* Get into your favourite sleeping position. If you don't fall asleep within 15-30 minutes, get up, go into another room, and read until sleepy.
Midnight Wake ups
* Some people wake up one or two times a night for various reasons. If you find that you get up in the middle of night and cannot get back to sleep within 15-20 minutes, then do not remain in the bed "trying hard" to sleep. Get out of bed.
Leave the bedroom. Read, have a light snack, do some quiet activity, or take a bath. You will generally find that you can get back to sleep 20 minutes or so later. Do not perform challenging or engaging activity such as office work, housework, etc.
Do NOT watch television.

At the appropriate bedtime, the TV should be turned off and the patient should go to bed. Some people find that the radio helps them go to sleep. Since radio is a less engaging medium than TV, this is probably a good idea.
* Several physical factors are known to upset sleep. These include arthritis, heartburn, menstruation, and headaches.
* Psychological and mental health problems like depression, anxiety and stress are often associated with sleeping difficulty. In many cases, difficulty staying asleep may be the only presenting sign of depression. A physician should be consulted about these issues to help determine the problem and the best treatment.
* Psychological and mental health problems like depression, anxiety and stress are often associated with sleeping difficulty. In many cases, difficulty staying asleep may be the only presenting sign of depression. A physician should be consulted about these issues to help determine the problem and the best treatment.
OK, I am off to sleep now..oops, got some more to go, let me..
Laughter - the Best medicine
Enjoyed this thoroughly, am sure you will like it too.
The results of statistics B/f Murthy
Enjoyed this thoroughly, am sure you will like it too.
The results of statistics B/f Murthy
1. Ten percent of all car thieves are left-handed
2. All polar bears are left-handed
3. If your car is stolen, there's a 10 percent chance it was taken by a Polar bear
1. 39 percent of unemployed men wear spectacles
2. 80 percent of employed men wear spectacles
3. Work stuffs up your eyesight
1. All dogs are animals
2. All cats are animals
3. Therefore, all dogs are cats
1. A total of 4000 cans are opened around the world every second
2. Ten babies are conceived around the world every second
3. Each time you open a can, you stand a 1 in 400 chance of becoming pregnant.
Ways to Stop telemarketing Calls
Ways to Stop telemarketing Calls
Some ways to stop those credit card sales, mobile companies, insurance calls from irritating you:
* Tell the telemarketer you are busy at the moment, and ask him/her, if he/she will give you his/her home phone number so you can call him/her back.
* Ask them to repeat everything they say, several times.
* Tell them it is dinnertime, BUT ask if they would please hold. Put them on your speaker phone while you continue to eat at your leisure. Smack your food loudly and continue with your dinner conversation.
* Tell them that all business goes through your agent, and hand the phone to your five year old child.
* Tell them you are hard of hearing and that they need to speak up.... Louder... Louder... Louder!
* If they start out with, "How are you today?", say "I'm so glad you asked, because no one these days seems to care, and I have all these problems............."
* Cry out in surprise, "Helen, is that you? I've been hoping you'd call! How is the family?" When they insist they are not Helen, tell them to stop joking. This works especially well if the telemarketer is really MALE.
Inspirations..B/f Babu
My personal feeling is that Dr Abdul Kalam can Inspire India a lot to go to a Higher level - are we using this great talent effectively - Only time will tell
Here is a recent speech from Dr APJ, which one of my colleagues Babu was fortunate to attend.
I was fortunate to listen to an inspirational speech today by Dr. Abdul Kalam when he visited KGISL campus. We facilitated for some of you yesterday when he visited KCT campus.
A very simple and unassuming soul that he is, created a lot of positive vibes among the gathering (close to 5000 people). I would like to share highlights from his speech for your introspection.
* Equation of Knowledge :: Knowledge = Ability to Dream + Purity of thoughts + Mental strength to realize it
* He made the audience take a pledge along with him.
Youth - I will create a library with 20 books in a holy corner of my room
Parents - I will cooperate to grow this library to 200 books in my house
Grandparents - I will cooperate to grow this library to 2000 books in our family
We all will spend at least 1 hour of reading this library everyday. This library will hold the legacy of our knowledge in our family
* India will achieve vision 2020 when the younger generation builds knowledge for our country to attain self-reliance in the 6 fields -- Agriculture, Education, Information communication technology, Energy, Infrastructure, and Healthcare.
* On a lighter note, the pain that a patient undergoes when he sees an expensive medical bill is called "Diagnostic Pain" (by way of x-ray, scan, tests..). Hospitals and doctors should use technology and work to reduce the cost of healthcare.
* Quoted an example of his visit to IBM lab in Bangalore where he saw Chinese, Americans, Indians, Australians and Japanese work together to develop technology. He wants parents and primary school teachers to inculcate the mindset of borderless global nation and help to remove iron curtains and compartmental work structures in their pupils.
* On leadership :: A leader should have 7 qualities --
I was fortunate to listen to an inspirational speech today by Dr. Abdul Kalam when he visited KGISL campus. We facilitated for some of you yesterday when he visited KCT campus.
A very simple and unassuming soul that he is, created a lot of positive vibes among the gathering (close to 5000 people). I would like to share highlights from his speech for your introspection.
* Equation of Knowledge :: Knowledge = Ability to Dream + Purity of thoughts + Mental strength to realize it
* He made the audience take a pledge along with him.
Youth - I will create a library with 20 books in a holy corner of my room
Parents - I will cooperate to grow this library to 200 books in my house
Grandparents - I will cooperate to grow this library to 2000 books in our family
We all will spend at least 1 hour of reading this library everyday. This library will hold the legacy of our knowledge in our family
* India will achieve vision 2020 when the younger generation builds knowledge for our country to attain self-reliance in the 6 fields -- Agriculture, Education, Information communication technology, Energy, Infrastructure, and Healthcare.
* On a lighter note, the pain that a patient undergoes when he sees an expensive medical bill is called "Diagnostic Pain" (by way of x-ray, scan, tests..). Hospitals and doctors should use technology and work to reduce the cost of healthcare.
* Quoted an example of his visit to IBM lab in Bangalore where he saw Chinese, Americans, Indians, Australians and Japanese work together to develop technology. He wants parents and primary school teachers to inculcate the mindset of borderless global nation and help to remove iron curtains and compartmental work structures in their pupils.
* On leadership :: A leader should have 7 qualities --
Passion (to make the vision a reality),
Travel unexplored path,
Manage success and failure,
Nobility in management, and
Leaders should work with integrity and succeed with integrity. A leader does not seek respect but facilitates self-respect.
Time Pass
Click on the link below and find how amazingly simple it is to find the number that you have guessed
Time Pass
Click on the link below and find how amazingly simple it is to find the number that you have guessed