Positive Thoughts One Must Remember in Life.......
Too often we don't realize
What we have until it is gone.
Too often we wait too late to say
"I'm sorry - I was wrong."
Sometimes it seems we hurt the ones
We hold dearest to our hearts;
And we allow foolish things
To tear our lives apart.
Don't quit when the tide is lowest
For it's just about to turn.
Don't quit your doubts and questions,
For there's something you may learn.
Don't quit when the night is darkest.
For it's just a while until dawn.
Don't quit when you've run the farthest,
For the race is almost won.
Don't quit when the hill is steepest.
For your goal is almost nigh.
Don't quit, for you're not a failure
Until you fail to try.
Far too many times we let
Unimportant things into our minds;
And then it's usually too late
To see what made us blind.
So be sure that you let people know
How much they mean to you.
Take the time to say the words
Before your time is through.
Be sure that you appreciate
Everything you've got;
And be thankful for the little things
in life that mean a lot.!
Life is a Game...God likes the winner, loves the loser... B/f Sumathi
This is a case of photographer photographs photographer. The following photographs were taken by photographer Hans van de Vorst at the Grand Canyon, Arizona. The descriptions are his own. The identity of the photographer IN the photos is unknown..
I was simply stunned seeing this guy standing on this solitary rock IN the Grand Canyon. The canyon's depth is 900 meters here. The rock on the right is next to the canyon and safe.
Watching this guy on his thong sandals, with a camera and a tripod I asked myself 3 questions:
1. How did he climb that rock?
2. Why not taking that sunset picture on that rock to the right, which is perfectly safe?
3. How will he get back?
This is the point of no return.
After the sun set behind the canyon's horizon he packed his things (having only one hand available) and prepared himself for the jump. This took about 2 minutes. At that point he had the full attention of the crowd.
After that, he jumped on his thong sandals... The canyon's depth is 900 meters here..
Now you can see that the adjacent rock is higher so he tried to land lower, which is quite steep and tried to use his one hand to grab the rock.
We've come to the end of this little story. Look carefully at the photographer.. He has a camera, a tripod and also a plastic bag, all on his shoulder or in his left hand. Only his right hand is available to grab the rock and the weight of his stuff is a problem.
He lands low on this flip flops both his right hand and right foot slips away... At that moment I take this shot. He pushes his body against the rock.
He waits for a few seconds, throws his stuff on the rock, climbs and walks away.
"Impossible is Nothing"
Life is a game.
Too often we don't realize
What we have until it is gone.

"I'm sorry - I was wrong."
Sometimes it seems we hurt the ones
We hold dearest to our hearts;
And we allow foolish things
To tear our lives apart.
Don't quit when the tide is lowest
For it's just about to turn.
Don't quit your doubts and questions,
For there's something you may learn.
Don't quit when the night is darkest.
For it's just a while until dawn.
Don't quit when you've run the farthest,
For the race is almost won.
Don't quit when the hill is steepest.
For your goal is almost nigh.
Don't quit, for you're not a failure
Until you fail to try.
Far too many times we let
Unimportant things into our minds;
And then it's usually too late
To see what made us blind.

How much they mean to you.
Take the time to say the words
Before your time is through.
Be sure that you appreciate
Everything you've got;
And be thankful for the little things
in life that mean a lot.!
Life is a Game...God likes the winner, loves the loser... B/f Sumathi

I was simply stunned seeing this guy standing on this solitary rock IN the Grand Canyon. The canyon's depth is 900 meters here. The rock on the right is next to the canyon and safe.
Watching this guy on his thong sandals, with a camera and a tripod I asked myself 3 questions:
1. How did he climb that rock?
2. Why not taking that sunset picture on that rock to the right, which is perfectly safe?
3. How will he get back?

After the sun set behind the canyon's horizon he packed his things (having only one hand available) and prepared himself for the jump. This took about 2 minutes. At that point he had the full attention of the crowd.

Now you can see that the adjacent rock is higher so he tried to land lower, which is quite steep and tried to use his one hand to grab the rock.
We've come to the end of this little story. Look carefully at the photographer.. He has a camera, a tripod and also a plastic bag, all on his shoulder or in his left hand. Only his right hand is available to grab the rock and the weight of his stuff is a problem.

He waits for a few seconds, throws his stuff on the rock, climbs and walks away.
"Impossible is Nothing"
Life is a game.
God likes the winner, loves the loser but, hates the viewer.
So, be the player. I don't mean that you should try something this dangerous in life. I simply mean, that nothing is impossible for you in life, once you have made up your mind.
For a Better communication
Instead of saying "You Said Like this"
Try saying "I Understood like this"
The focus shifts from YOU to I - and avoids any possible Ego issues
Women buying power – Interesting Video – B/f Venkat
As a market, women represent a bigger opportunity than China and India
Laughter the Best Medicine..
As a market, women represent a bigger opportunity than China and India
Laughter the Best Medicine..
A Husband makes a call to the Hospital to know about his pregnant Wife.
But accidentally the call went to a Cricket stadium.
He asked " What is the condition?"
He fainted after What he heard….
Guess What the reply was??
It is…
7 are already out…
3 more will be out by Lunch…
The First one was a DUCK…
But accidentally the call went to a Cricket stadium.
He asked " What is the condition?"
He fainted after What he heard….
Guess What the reply was??
It is…
7 are already out…
3 more will be out by Lunch…
The First one was a DUCK…
Gone Fishing b/F Valli
Pedros & Pedrick went on a fishing holiday. They rented a boat and fished in
a lake every day.
One day they had a huge haul of 30 fish. Pedros said to Pedrick.

“There’s lots of fish here! Mark this spot so that we can come here tomorrow.”
The next day when they were driving on their way to rent a boat,
Pedros asked Pedrcik, “Hey, Did you mark that spot yesterday?” Pedrick replied,
“Yeah, I scratched a big X on the bottom of the boat!”
Exasperated with Pedrick's dumbness, Pedros said,
“You dumb fool! What if we dont get to rent that same boat today!?"
Pedros & Pedrick went on a fishing holiday. They rented a boat and fished in
a lake every day.
One day they had a huge haul of 30 fish. Pedros said to Pedrick.

“There’s lots of fish here! Mark this spot so that we can come here tomorrow.”
The next day when they were driving on their way to rent a boat,
Pedros asked Pedrcik, “Hey, Did you mark that spot yesterday?” Pedrick replied,
“Yeah, I scratched a big X on the bottom of the boat!”
Exasperated with Pedrick's dumbness, Pedros said,
“You dumb fool! What if we dont get to rent that same boat today!?"