It's all about………Automation!!!
Over the last few months, I have been amazed at a silent Automation (transformation) that the British council Library has been doing. Read thru and see what you can do to your office space or at home.
Wikipedia defines automation as :
The use of control systems (such as numerical control, programmable logic control, and other industrial control systems), in concert with other applications of information technology (such as computer-aided technologies [CAD, CAM,]), to control industrial machinery and processes, reducing the need for human intervention.
The use of control systems (such as numerical control, programmable logic control, and other industrial control systems), in concert with other applications of information technology (such as computer-aided technologies [CAD, CAM,]), to control industrial machinery and processes, reducing the need for human intervention.
Automation is a step beyond mechanization. Whereas mechanization provided human operators with machinery to assist them with the physical requirements of work, automation greatly reduces the need for human sensory and mental requirements as well. Processes and systems can also be automated.

The Final result:
An ATM type set up where the customer who wishes to return or borrow books works with a Machine (similar to ATM)
How or what did they do?
In a typical library scenario (even British council, till a few months back),
- To borrow books we would select the books, stand in a queue, show your Library ID card, get the book stamped and then an entry made in a register or computer or a Book card
- Similarly to return books, you need stand in a queue, show your Library ID card, then an entry made in a register or computer or a Book card to
check out.
British council has done away with all this and we now interact with machines to transact – Inhuman, no personal touch….NO!!!
Read some of the Benefits below to know why:
* NO NO more queues,
Much faster transactions,
* Any time transactions (even during Library non working hours we can return books – not borrow though)
* Privacy (don’t have to show the librarian what sort of books / Videos I am borrowing)
Future state could be – a virtual 24 hour library unmanned(!!!!)
What did they do?
Simple - BC introduced software called RFID – Radio Frequency identification
Each book is tagged with an identification code/ sticker and the Intelligent scanner reads the code struck on the ID card as well as the book to complete the transaction for a particular person – supplemented with a Interactive monitor which helps you to track…
See this interesting video to see the implications / Usage of RFID
Implications of RFID are pretty frightening….(see the video on how tracking is done and what is being tracked and what is proposed to be tracked)
Ok, back to automation…..
Was this automation done overnight?
No – Change control (My current office Mantra) was given huge importance and each step was introduced progressively and communication was done repeatedly to ensure understanding and comfort for users. Similarly often library assistants supported each time a new process was established to support the user to learn or handle the transaction with comfort.
The final result – amazing use of technology;
From a library perspective, manual work from the library side is TOTALLY eliminated, faster customer service, etc.
I am sure each of us can look at things that we do repeatedly (at office or at home) and look for automated ways to do things…eliminates boredom from our routine (of doing monotonous things)
And sure enough, we can spend this time to do much more Quality or value added things…

The Final result:
An ATM type set up where the customer who wishes to return or borrow books works with a Machine (similar to ATM)
How or what did they do?
In a typical library scenario (even British council, till a few months back),

- Similarly to return books, you need stand in a queue, show your Library ID card, then an entry made in a register or computer or a Book card to

British council has done away with all this and we now interact with machines to transact – Inhuman, no personal touch….NO!!!
Read some of the Benefits below to know why:
* NO NO more queues,

* Any time transactions (even during Library non working hours we can return books – not borrow though)
* Privacy (don’t have to show the librarian what sort of books / Videos I am borrowing)
Future state could be – a virtual 24 hour library unmanned(!!!!)
What did they do?
Simple - BC introduced software called RFID – Radio Frequency identification
Each book is tagged with an identification code/ sticker and the Intelligent scanner reads the code struck on the ID card as well as the book to complete the transaction for a particular person – supplemented with a Interactive monitor which helps you to track…
See this interesting video to see the implications / Usage of RFID

Ok, back to automation…..
Was this automation done overnight?

The final result – amazing use of technology;
From a library perspective, manual work from the library side is TOTALLY eliminated, faster customer service, etc.

And sure enough, we can spend this time to do much more Quality or value added things…