This was actor Sivakumar's famous dialogue in a TV soap opera - the first time I heard about it and made me Ponder a Lot!!
Ok, what is so big about this statement?
It highlights to us a very basic fact of life - & that is – Nothing is Permanent – especially when we face failures, stay up and Stay Motivated – because this will ALSO pass – Nothing is permanent and any situation is only temporary, unless we are lost in it and do want to see beyond.
This small yet powerful phrase is something we need to ALWAYS keep in mind – then in Life, we can pass through any challenges that we are asked to face or comes our way !!!
Does this notion apply only to challenges that we face?
No!! It is very much applicable for situations where we have triumphed – again, we should not go overboard celebrating victories – Enjoy your success, but be ready to go to the next phase or situation and continue to succeed.
If we can master this (and this is in our Own Mind), We get a Good balance and will be ready to face any situation in a very Professional way!!
Hmm….this is something that I always believe in…and try to practice!!
Inspirational Video
In the own words of Mac Anderson (Simple truths)
For all of us there are turning points in our lives. One of mine was the first time I heard The Strangest Secret in 1964. It was then, and still is, the most powerful and thought provoking message I've ever heard. In many ways it changed my life.
Earl Nightingale's radio recording that he called The Strangest Secret electrified his listeners all over the country. The stations that carried his syndicated show were deluged with requests for copies of it.
As a result, the audio version of Nightingale's message was recorded, and sold over 1 million copies. In fact, Earl Nightingale's recording of The Strangest Secret was the first non-music record to exceed the one million mark!
Just take 3 minutes to watch The Strangest Secret movie. If you truly understand the concept,
it can change your life forever.
3 Stages of Life – B/f Bharathi / Dev
Thought provoking – You might want to re-adjust if you realise your current reality
We have 3 stages in our life………..
Teen age:

Working Age:

Have Money + Energy …but No Time
Old age:

Jokes corner B/f Manish
Man: What is the name of your car?
Lady: I forgot the name, but is starts with 'T'.
Man: Oh, what a strange car, starts with Tea. All cars that I know start with petrol.
Save EARTH – ECO-FACTs – Part 1, B/f Mithra, Tapan

2. Stop printing out Harry Porter, Jeffrey Archer and other e-books. This is a classic example of paper wastage.

5.Plastic bags these days indeed come in bright and flamboyant colours and tempt us to take them home with us. But the saying, "Appearances are deceptive" holds true for these plastic things too. Next time, hold back or go prepared to counter temptation with a cloth bag.
6.Roses, Jasmine, Hibiscus and Peas; All these saplings cost hardly between Rs 10 - 20 each. Can't we afford to plant these in and around our houses? Also, more importantly, caring and maintain them as they grow?