Being more organized…a study indicated that being personally organised is THE main reason for senior management to be successful.
Here are some more tips
* Work in a clutter free environment: Everything at office / home has a place and everything in its right place. This also specifically applies to way we organize our files in the computer…this would help save considerable time and obviously be more productive. Clearing the clutter helps to dissolve the procrastination that so many people experience in their work every day.
Take some time out - at least half a day (Friday's are great for this) and have a good old clear out. Get rid of absolutely EVERYTHING that you won’t need – from your physical office to your PC. Once you start putting things in proper folders or in the bin you'll feel SO much better and it gets easier to see things.
LABEL LABEL..if you are to be organised you need to know where everything is
Set a time aside each day for filing
* Use LEVERAGING strategy - means that you reserve serious work for “prime times” when energy level is at its peak. This helps to act quickly and effectively.
* Have a place for
- Bills to be paid with the due date prominently written at the top, so that you pay them on time as well as pull them out when you need
- Keep your keys in the same place – safe, but easily retrievable
- Put your mobile phone in the same place; have a phone charging station set up, though with power not yet switched on.
Motivate yourself to get started. That is a vital ingredient in the process of becoming a super-executive. The initial motivation is the desire to achieve and taking the necessary action. The end objective is to get more done - faster. By MORE I mean more quality work.
Ok Friends, Here comes a Edition # 41 of Good to Great… Thanks for the tremendous feedback – special thanks to Ramesh, Radha, Pugazh, Kamesh, Nisha, Thanuja, Vidhya, Kamakshi, Joseph, Radha, Juliette, Srini, Ranjani, Santha, Ram.
Please read in Leisure and you can reach me @ balajineela@gmail.com , for any comments, suggestions, sharing interesting / useful articles or questions. I do love to hear from each of you.
* Work in a clutter free environment: Everything at office / home has a place and everything in its right place. This also specifically applies to way we organize our files in the computer…this would help save considerable time and obviously be more productive. Clearing the clutter helps to dissolve the procrastination that so many people experience in their work every day.
Take some time out - at least half a day (Friday's are great for this) and have a good old clear out. Get rid of absolutely EVERYTHING that you won’t need – from your physical office to your PC. Once you start putting things in proper folders or in the bin you'll feel SO much better and it gets easier to see things.
LABEL LABEL..if you are to be organised you need to know where everything is
Set a time aside each day for filing
* Use LEVERAGING strategy - means that you reserve serious work for “prime times” when energy level is at its peak. This helps to act quickly and effectively.
* Have a place for
- Bills to be paid with the due date prominently written at the top, so that you pay them on time as well as pull them out when you need
- Keep your keys in the same place – safe, but easily retrievable
- Put your mobile phone in the same place; have a phone charging station set up, though with power not yet switched on.
Motivate yourself to get started. That is a vital ingredient in the process of becoming a super-executive. The initial motivation is the desire to achieve and taking the necessary action. The end objective is to get more done - faster. By MORE I mean more quality work.
Ok Friends, Here comes a Edition # 41 of Good to Great… Thanks for the tremendous feedback – special thanks to Ramesh, Radha, Pugazh, Kamesh, Nisha, Thanuja, Vidhya, Kamakshi, Joseph, Radha, Juliette, Srini, Ranjani, Santha, Ram.
Please read in Leisure and you can reach me @ balajineela@gmail.com , for any comments, suggestions, sharing interesting / useful articles or questions. I do love to hear from each of you.
Spread the word! If you know anyone who might enjoy or benefit from this Blog, please forward it on and do share their email IDs with me for inclusion.
Contents – My personal picks – Management thoughts and inspirational video
1. Its all about YOU..
2. Thought for this week…
3. Health..Stress Busters..B/f Raji
4. Management quick tips.."The terrible 10"....B/f Srini, Venkat
5. Jokes corner....
6. Management thoughts…Amazing Ant philosophy..b/f Arvind
7. India glorious
8. Parenting..Home – A Prepared environment #2– B/f Neela
9. Cartoonz..
10. Inspirational video..Make the difference..B/f Sriram
11. Tip for this week.. Removing "non-printing characters"..B/f Rajan
1. Its all about YOU - organise your time
- Dedicate time to Work : It is the price of success
- Dedicate time to Think : It is the fountain of power
- Dedicate time to Enjoy : It is the secret of Youth
- Dedicate time to Read : It is the basis of knowledge
- Dedicate time to Worship : It is the path to Salvation
- Dedicate time for your friends : it is the path to happiness
- Dedicate time to love and be loved : it’s the source of Joy and satisfaction
- Dedicate time to dream :It raises your soul to the stars
- Dedicate time to laugh : It mitigates the stress in your life
- Dedicate time to plan : it’s the secret to find time for the previous nine things
Be Happy!! Dedicate time to God!!!
2. Thought for this week
"If you have hope in the future,
you will have power in the present."
- John Maxwell
3. Health..Stress Buster..
Some tips that you can do daily to stay calm and cool.
1. Vibrant traits: Be cordial and approachable to your workmates, and you’ll be treated with the same respect.
2. Yes boss! Developing a good working relationship with the management will help you stay out of trouble and thus keep your nerves from getting frazzled.
3. Develop a Routine: Sticking to a pattern keeps you sane. If you know what the rest of the day is going to involve, at least once you’re done from work, you’ll feel calmer. Variations are always welcome; don’t be predictable but keep it simple.
4. Get a Life: Establish an out-of-work life that is totally unrelated to work. Being married to your job is one of the quickest ways of getting yourself all worked up. Keep one group of friends that have nothing to do with work at all, and make a point of meeting up or talking regularly.
4. Management quick tips.. The 'Terrible 10' List
Based on rankings, the "Terrible 10" behaviors are (from most to least offensive):
1. Employment discrimination.
2. Erratic/aggressive driving that endangers others.
3. Taking credit for someone else's work.
4. Treating service providers as inferiors.
5. Mocking race, gender, age, disabilities, sexual orientation, or religion.
6. Children who behave aggressively or who bully others.
7. Littering.
8. Misusing handicapped privileges.
9. Smoking in non-smoking places or smoking in front of non-smokers without asking.
10. Using cell phones or text-messaging in mid-conversation or during an appointment or meeting.
5. Jokes corner..
A new employee is working late in the office one evening.
As he clocks out of his office at about 10 P.M., he sees the Director standing by the classified document shredder in the hallway, a piece of paper in his hand.
"Do you know how to work this thing?" the Director asks. "My secretary's gone home and I don't know how to run it."
"Yes, sir," says the new employee, who turns on the machine, takes the paper from the Admiral, and feeds it in.
"Thanks," says the Director, "I just need one copy..."
6. Management thoughts..Ants Philosophy
Lesson #1 – Ants never Quit
* If they are headed somewhere and you try to stop them, they'll look for another way
* They'll climb over, they'll climb under, they'll climb around
* They keep looking for another way
Lesson: to NEVER quit looking for a way to get where you're supposed to go
Lesson #2 - Ants think winter ALL summer
* You can't be so naïve to think that summer will last forever
* So ants are gathering their winter food in the middle of the summer
* You have got to think rocks as you enjoy the sand and the sun
Lesson: It is important to be realistic – So think ahead!!!
Four part Ant Philosophy –
a. Never give up
b. Look Ahead
d………………….Please wait till next edition…!!!
7. India Glorious
8. Parenting - Home - A Prepared Environment – # 2 Clothing
"In his early explorations of his environment, the child is seeking independence through mastering his surroundings. It is up to the parent to permit the necessary explorations and also to arrange the environment so the child can learn to do things for himself."
"Clothing that is easy to remove and put on oneself allows a child to practice the skills of dressing and undressing. Consider this when purchasing any clothing, from shoes to pyjamas to coats."
- ensure that all clothing fits properly. It is very difficult to use the washroom when undergarments are tight.
- choose clothes that are easily washed.
- shoes can be challenging and must fit properly to allow for independence and freedom of movement
- shoes and boots should be easy to do up. Choose slip-on, avoiding laces or buckles
- jackets and zippers or buttons are easier to manage than pullovers
- label all clothing
- encourage children to dress themselves
- allow for choice - a child's efforts at picking out clothes and dressing self are satisfied if parents hang up (within reach) 2 outfits, letting the child decided between them. This is enough of a decision in the beginning
In addition to assisting children gain independence, these suggestions help children gain self-control, acquire a healthy self-image and provide opportunities for adults and children to spend time together. These activities all take the adult's time and patience in the beginning but are worth it!
9. Cartoons..

"In his early explorations of his environment, the child is seeking independence through mastering his surroundings. It is up to the parent to permit the necessary explorations and also to arrange the environment so the child can learn to do things for himself."
"Clothing that is easy to remove and put on oneself allows a child to practice the skills of dressing and undressing. Consider this when purchasing any clothing, from shoes to pyjamas to coats."
- ensure that all clothing fits properly. It is very difficult to use the washroom when undergarments are tight.
- choose clothes that are easily washed.
- shoes can be challenging and must fit properly to allow for independence and freedom of movement
- shoes and boots should be easy to do up. Choose slip-on, avoiding laces or buckles
- jackets and zippers or buttons are easier to manage than pullovers
- label all clothing
- encourage children to dress themselves
- allow for choice - a child's efforts at picking out clothes and dressing self are satisfied if parents hang up (within reach) 2 outfits, letting the child decided between them. This is enough of a decision in the beginning
In addition to assisting children gain independence, these suggestions help children gain self-control, acquire a healthy self-image and provide opportunities for adults and children to spend time together. These activities all take the adult's time and patience in the beginning but are worth it!
9. Cartoons..

You think your job is tough...look at this and feel a bit happy
10. Inspirational Video…Make the difference..
Watch this inspirational movie on Johnny the Bagger – amazing stuff;
In a Big organisation, we might often wonder what difference that YOU as an individual can make – This young boy in the video is just a Bagger – a boy at the tail end of the department store who puts things in the Bags when the customer billing happens..can he make any difference at all – well he has made a difference and it is amazing…watch it and I am sure YOU can make a difference to your organisation…
http://www.stservicemovie.com /
11. Tip for this week…Removing "non-printing characters" from a cell.
Please use these simple steps to remove NON printing characters from a cell in excel
1. Enter ="Girl "&char(7)&"Boy" in the cell reference A1
2. You will get the answer as Girl Boy.
3. Now you would like to remove the small box (non printing characters) between Girl and Boy.
4. Use "Clean Function" in the cell Reference B1. That is =Clean(A1)
5. The Answer will be "Girl Boy"
If you still want to remove the space in "Girl Boy". Use "substitute function".
Enter in the Cell reference C1, =substitute (B1," ",""). The answer will be "GirlBoy"
Note: The CLEAN function was designed to remove the first 32 non-printing characters in the 7 bit ASCII code (values 0 through 31) from text. In the Unicode character set, there are additional nonprinting characters (values 127, 129, 141, 143, 144, and 157). By itself, the CLEAN function does not remove these additional nonprinting characters
If you have non printing characters "" in large numbers, Please follow the below steps to remove it.
Copy the file
Paste it notepad
Then paste it in word
Then paste it in excel
It will remove all the non-printing characters.
Disclaimer: The publisher believes that the contents of this blog do not violate any existing copyright / intellectual property of others in any manner whatsoever. However, in the event the author has been unable to track any source and if any copyright has been inadvertently infringed, please notify the publisher in writing for corrective action.
Watch this inspirational movie on Johnny the Bagger – amazing stuff;
In a Big organisation, we might often wonder what difference that YOU as an individual can make – This young boy in the video is just a Bagger – a boy at the tail end of the department store who puts things in the Bags when the customer billing happens..can he make any difference at all – well he has made a difference and it is amazing…watch it and I am sure YOU can make a difference to your organisation…
http://www.stservicemovie.com /
11. Tip for this week…Removing "non-printing characters" from a cell.
Please use these simple steps to remove NON printing characters from a cell in excel
1. Enter ="Girl "&char(7)&"Boy" in the cell reference A1
2. You will get the answer as Girl Boy.
3. Now you would like to remove the small box (non printing characters) between Girl and Boy.
4. Use "Clean Function" in the cell Reference B1. That is =Clean(A1)
5. The Answer will be "Girl Boy"
If you still want to remove the space in "Girl Boy". Use "substitute function".
Enter in the Cell reference C1, =substitute (B1," ",""). The answer will be "GirlBoy"
Note: The CLEAN function was designed to remove the first 32 non-printing characters in the 7 bit ASCII code (values 0 through 31) from text. In the Unicode character set, there are additional nonprinting characters (values 127, 129, 141, 143, 144, and 157). By itself, the CLEAN function does not remove these additional nonprinting characters
If you have non printing characters "" in large numbers, Please follow the below steps to remove it.
Copy the file
Paste it notepad
Then paste it in word
Then paste it in excel
It will remove all the non-printing characters.
Disclaimer: The publisher believes that the contents of this blog do not violate any existing copyright / intellectual property of others in any manner whatsoever. However, in the event the author has been unable to track any source and if any copyright has been inadvertently infringed, please notify the publisher in writing for corrective action.