Hi Friends, Here comes a special Edition 21 of Good to Great…"Reading is to Mind, What Exercise is to the Body". Do those simple things to engage both
YOUR body (Good Food, Regular Exercise, Active Life,) &
YOUR Mind(Positive thoughts, Relaxed stress free but active mind, …).
As expected, the Poll results indicate that the best way to good health is a combination of Exercise, good food and right attitude.
A New poll for this week…..Will India win the current Border – Gavaskar trophy? Take the poll and Let us check out your confidence level on the current India team given the recent Big 4 controversy.
Special thanks and credits for this week are to Radha, Sridhar, Venkat, Maha, Ramya, Dev...
Read in Leisure and please continue to share your articles, jokes, puzzles, feedback to balajineela@gmail.com
1. Its all about YOU.. Try not but Do or Do not (Non Work)..B/f Baskar
2. Thought for this week…B/f Bala
3. Lateral thinking…B/f Kala
4. Health..YOUR Brains…B/f Murthy
5. Management quick tips.. ‘As a Man Thinketh, So is he’..B/f Ram
6. Jokes corner..B/f Arvind
7. Management thoughts…Desire..B/f Vatsal
8. Inspiring Web….Change..B/f Ram
9. Tip for this week..Credit card CVV
10. Cartoons…New Office…B/f Vidhya
11. Closing thoughts
1. Its all about YOU….Try not but Do or Do not (Non Work)
These very powerful words were uttered by the smallest character in this epic series.
Special thanks and credits for this week are to Radha, Sridhar, Venkat, Maha, Ramya, Dev...
Read in Leisure and please continue to share your articles, jokes, puzzles, feedback to balajineela@gmail.com
1. Its all about YOU.. Try not but Do or Do not (Non Work)..B/f Baskar
2. Thought for this week…B/f Bala
3. Lateral thinking…B/f Kala
4. Health..YOUR Brains…B/f Murthy
5. Management quick tips.. ‘As a Man Thinketh, So is he’..B/f Ram
6. Jokes corner..B/f Arvind
7. Management thoughts…Desire..B/f Vatsal
8. Inspiring Web….Change..B/f Ram
9. Tip for this week..Credit card CVV
10. Cartoons…New Office…B/f Vidhya
11. Closing thoughts
1. Its all about YOU….Try not but Do or Do not (Non Work)

A young student was being trained to become a great warrior and he was asked to perform a very difficult task. He tried to remove his fighter from a swamp using only his thoughts! The fighter began to move up out of the swamp, but just as headway was being made, the student had a doubt and the fighter slipped back into the swamp.
"It's impossible proclaimed the student!" "You must believe in yourself and focus on the goal said the master." "I'll try again," replied the student. "No, Try Not, Do or Do Not," Yoda the Jedi Master demanded! Then with his strong focus and faith the young warrior lifted Luke Skywalker's X wing fighter out of the swamp water and placed it on solid ground. How is our focus on our automotive career?
"It's impossible proclaimed the student!" "You must believe in yourself and focus on the goal said the master." "I'll try again," replied the student. "No, Try Not, Do or Do Not," Yoda the Jedi Master demanded! Then with his strong focus and faith the young warrior lifted Luke Skywalker's X wing fighter out of the swamp water and placed it on solid ground. How is our focus on our automotive career?
Our success begins and ends with Attitude! "The most important person you'll meet today is the person you'll see when you look in the mirror," says Brother Bob Harrington, The Chaplain of Bourbon Street.
When you interact with others your attitude determines whether you have a positive or negative impact on them and yourself! The following words or phrase should be removed from your vocabulary:
When you interact with others your attitude determines whether you have a positive or negative impact on them and yourself! The following words or phrase should be removed from your vocabulary:
1.) I'll Try
2.) I can't
3.) I don't know
4.) Not my Job
5.) He/She does it
When someone comes to you with a need, that person already has an expectation that your assistance will help fill that need! Your choice of words impacts the person's idea of your character. For you to move from student to master, you must use positive words and have a can-do attitude towards customers and colleagues.
You need wisdom more than knowledge. Knowledge as something you learn through your own mistakes and wisdom as something you learn from other people' s mistakes. Once you accept and understand that you are responsible for your attitude, no outside force can hinder it. You will become a Master.
"Acquiring Knowledge is growing faster than the Wisdom gained."
2. Thought for this week
"Opinions are like hand watches.
Everyone's watch shows different time from others.
But, Everyone believes that their time is correct"
3. Lateral thinking
The Nawab of Murshidabad ordered the king of Krishnanagar to measure the length and breadth of earth. And if not, the kings life was kept at stake. It was an act of avenge, to show superiority. The king of Krishnanagar became worried as his very life was at stake.
The king was bothered too much and refused to see anyone. There came his jester, Gopal who with all his patience convinced the king of getting a solution for the problem.
Can you guess it….You can check your answers after "Cartoons"
4. Health…Brains.. Brain food
3. Lateral thinking
The Nawab of Murshidabad ordered the king of Krishnanagar to measure the length and breadth of earth. And if not, the kings life was kept at stake. It was an act of avenge, to show superiority. The king of Krishnanagar became worried as his very life was at stake.
The king was bothered too much and refused to see anyone. There came his jester, Gopal who with all his patience convinced the king of getting a solution for the problem.
Can you guess it….You can check your answers after "Cartoons"
4. Health…Brains.. Brain food
We are often talking about food for our bodies’ health but what about our brains?
The brain is constantly making new cells called neurons and there is evidence that show that good nutrition improves the brain function and slows down the ageing process. The brain grows when it is used, and they say the neurons that fire together wire together.
What does the brain need to thrive?
· Metal stimulation (lifelong learning is important)
· Proper diet
· Good sleep
· Social interaction
· Physical exercise (Exercise oxygenates the body).
· Avoidance of stress
· Metal stimulation (lifelong learning is important)
· Proper diet
· Good sleep
· Social interaction
· Physical exercise (Exercise oxygenates the body).
· Avoidance of stress
Let’s look at the brain facts
Water makes up 83% of the blood and acts as a transport system, delivering nutrients to the brain and eliminating toxins.
Water makes up 83% of the blood and acts as a transport system, delivering nutrients to the brain and eliminating toxins.
Your brain needs to be fully hydrated so that the circuitry works well and it functions at optimum levels. Water is essential for concentration and mental alertness.
Studies have shown that most people are permanently partially dehydrated. This means that their brain is working considerably below its capacity and potential. A study by Trevor Brocklebank at Leeds University in the UK discovered that schoolchildren with the best results in class were those who drank up to eight glasses of water a day. Smoking is also best avoided.
Exam time
During busy periods of stress many of us turn to coffee and caffeine laden drinks to keep us alert. But we want foods that boost our brain power not foods that make our brains jittery.
Good brain food
There is evidence that good nutrition improves brain function and slows the ageing process. The brain needs the correct fuel to function, so eat a healthy diet containing lean protein. Iimportant food for the brain includes berries, nuts, seeds and eggs. Vitamins and minerals are essential for the growth and functioning of the brain.
The 'B' complex vitamins are particularly important for the brain and play a vital role in producing energy. Vitamins A, C and E are powerful antioxidants and promote and preserve memory in the elderly.
Minerals are also critical to mental functioning and performance. Magnesium and manganese are needed for brain energy. Sodium, potassium and calcium are important in the thinking process and they facilitate the transmission of messages.
A healthy balanced diet a good daily vitamin is recommended as an insurance policy.
5. Management quick tips.. ‘As a Man Thinketh, So is he’
You can harvest only what you plant.
Exam time
During busy periods of stress many of us turn to coffee and caffeine laden drinks to keep us alert. But we want foods that boost our brain power not foods that make our brains jittery.
Good brain food
There is evidence that good nutrition improves brain function and slows the ageing process. The brain needs the correct fuel to function, so eat a healthy diet containing lean protein. Iimportant food for the brain includes berries, nuts, seeds and eggs. Vitamins and minerals are essential for the growth and functioning of the brain.
The 'B' complex vitamins are particularly important for the brain and play a vital role in producing energy. Vitamins A, C and E are powerful antioxidants and promote and preserve memory in the elderly.
Minerals are also critical to mental functioning and performance. Magnesium and manganese are needed for brain energy. Sodium, potassium and calcium are important in the thinking process and they facilitate the transmission of messages.
A healthy balanced diet a good daily vitamin is recommended as an insurance policy.
5. Management quick tips.. ‘As a Man Thinketh, So is he’
You can harvest only what you plant.
If you plant corn, it would not be consistent for you to harvest beans.
So planting corn can only produce corn.
If you plant mental pictures of your being a failure,
you will harvest a crop of failures and not success.
You will become what you most frequently think you will be.
You will become what you most frequently think you will be.
If you think poor, you will be poor.
If you think success, you will be successful.
That what Bible precisely says ‘As a Man Thinketh, So is he’
6. Jokes corner.. இது யார் சொத்து?
That what Bible precisely says ‘As a Man Thinketh, So is he’
6. Jokes corner.. இது யார் சொத்து?
போலீஸ் : ஏன்டா ராஸ்கல்! திருட்டு ரயிலேறியா சென்னை வரைக்கும் வந்தே?சர்தார் : சார்! அது திருட்டு ரயில்ன்னு சத்தியமா எனக்கு தெரியாது. நான் அது கவர்மென்ட் ரயில்ன்னு நினைச்சுதான் ஏறினேன்.
7. Management thoughts….Desire
An emperor was coming out of his palace for his morning walk when he met a beggar. He asked the beggar, "What do you want?"
The beggar laughed and said, "You are asking me as though you can fulfil my desire!" The king was offended. He said, "Of course I can fulfill your desire. What is it? Just tell me." And the beggar said, "Think twice before you promise anything."
The beggar was no ordinary beggar, he was the emperors past life master. He had promised in that life, "I will come and try to wake you in your next life. This life you have missed but I will come again." But the king had forgotten completely -- who remembers past lives? So he insisted, "I will fulfil anything you ask. I am a very powerful emperor, what can you possibly desire that I can not give to you?" The beggar said, "It is a very simple desire. You see this begging bowl? Can you fill it with something?"
The emperor said, "Of course!" He called one of his viziers and told him, "Fill this mans begging bowl with money." The vizier went and got some money and poured it into the bowl, and it disappeared. And he poured more and more, and the moment he would pour it, it would disappear. And the begging bowl remained always empty. The whole palace gathered. By and by the rumour went throughout the whole capital, and a huge crowd gathered. The prestige of the emperor was at stake. He said to his viziers, "If the whole kingdom is lost, I am ready to lose it, but I cannot be defeated by this beggar."
Diamonds and pearls and emeralds, his treasuries were becoming empty. The begging bowl seemed to be bottomless. Everything that was put into it -- everything! -- Immediately disappeared, went out of existence. Finally it was the evening, and the people were standing there in utter silence.
The king dropped at the feet of the beggar and admitted his defeat. he said, "Just tell me one thing. You are victorious - but before you leave, just fulfil my curiosity. What is the begging bowl made of?" The beggar laughed and said, "It is made up of the human mind. There is no secret. It is simple made up of human desire."
This understanding transforms life. Go into one desire -- what is the mechanism of it? First there is a great excitement, great thrill, adventure. you feel a great kick. Something is going to happen; you are on the verge of it. And then you have the car, you have the yacht, you have the house, you have the woman, and suddenly all is meaningless again.
This understanding transforms life. Go into one desire -- what is the mechanism of it? First there is a great excitement, great thrill, adventure. you feel a great kick. Something is going to happen; you are on the verge of it. And then you have the car, you have the yacht, you have the house, you have the woman, and suddenly all is meaningless again.
What happens? Your mind has dematerialised it. The car is standing in the drive, but there is no excitement anymore. The excitement was only in getting it. You became so drunk with the desire that you forgot your inner nothingness. Now the desire is fulfilled, the car in the drive, the woman in your bed, the money in your bank account - again excitement disappears. Again the emptiness is there, ready to eat you up. Again you have to create another desire to escape this yawning abyss.
That's how one moves from one desire to another desire. That's how one remains a beggar. Your whole life proves it again and again -- every desire frustrates. And when the goal is achieved, you will need another desire.
8. Inspiring Web.. Do YOU want a change, you be the change first
Well Gandhi said it…but here is a live real life example of an Individual can trigger a Change…It was so nice to see how we can create / trigger the change rather than cribbing about it.
Well Gandhi said it…but here is a live real life example of an Individual can trigger a Change…It was so nice to see how we can create / trigger the change rather than cribbing about it.
We can be the person in the video & to start Each of us should follow the Laws of the Land, system...
We can be the person in the video & to start Each of us should follow the Laws of the Land, system...
9. Tip for this week…. Credit Cards
A Cool tip to protect your Credit Card…..
- Memorize your CVV number at the back of the credit card and Scratch it out!!!
A Cool tip to protect your Credit Card…..
- Memorize your CVV number at the back of the credit card and Scratch it out!!!
Our cards/ card transactions are much more safer now…given that we give use it in a number of places where the card goes out of sight – Petrol Bunks, Shops, etc., this would prevent mis-use since without the CVV number online / Internet transactions cannot be done.
10. Cartoons
Due to global financial crisis / budget constraints, here is how our new renovated offices would look like10. Cartoons

Other Measures : Effective Oct 1, New sick Leave policy.
The company will no longer accept a Doctors statement as proof of sickness.
If you are able to go to the Doctor, you might as well come to work.
Answer to Logical thinking Puzzle
Gopal asked the king for 25 bullock carts and all the silk and cotton thread in town. He went to Nawab of Murshidabad with the bullock carts full of silk/cotton thread.
Gopal asked the king for 25 bullock carts and all the silk and cotton thread in town. He went to Nawab of Murshidabad with the bullock carts full of silk/cotton thread.
Nawab then asked Gopal about the measurements. Gopal took the Nawab to the carts and said the thread in the first fourteen carts put together is the length of the earth and the remaining eleven carts loads ,the breadth.
Nawab then asked what if it was not accurate? Gopal innocently answered that Nawab can personally check it in case of doubt.
Think calmly, logically- there is a solution for every problem that we face.
Think calmly, logically- there is a solution for every problem that we face.
11. Closing thoughts…
- The government Ban on Smoking – has had mixed effects – A very welcome move considering health of the smokers and passive smokers... and a Green, clean environment. Still see a lot of people smoking…Openly… Lots of work needs to be done in terms of defining the administrative measures towards effective implementation – to make this smoking Ban really effective./
Would have been interesting if the government had banned the tobacco industry to prevent the problem at source…
- The Global financial crisis….it is just the beginning of many more things to come in the near future. Thinking realistically, America could go through a Major crisis (Is already being compared to the Great depression of the 1930s)
unless the government steps in and takes a number of measures./ The New American President would have his task cut out.
- An interesting Australia India series is coming up…after the IPL, given that cricketers of different nations played together as one team, the relations should be much better –the Internal team rumblings on both sides has already set the backdrop for a very entertaining series ahead…
- The government Ban on Smoking – has had mixed effects – A very welcome move considering health of the smokers and passive smokers... and a Green, clean environment. Still see a lot of people smoking…Openly… Lots of work needs to be done in terms of defining the administrative measures towards effective implementation – to make this smoking Ban really effective./
Would have been interesting if the government had banned the tobacco industry to prevent the problem at source…
- The Global financial crisis….it is just the beginning of many more things to come in the near future. Thinking realistically, America could go through a Major crisis (Is already being compared to the Great depression of the 1930s)
unless the government steps in and takes a number of measures./ The New American President would have his task cut out.
- An interesting Australia India series is coming up…after the IPL, given that cricketers of different nations played together as one team, the relations should be much better –the Internal team rumblings on both sides has already set the backdrop for a very entertaining series ahead…
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