If YOU think you can or you think You Can't – YOU are right…"Henry Ford"
HI Friends, Here comes a "India Glorious" Edition 23 of Good to Great…So many reasons this week to Feel India Glorious – the Launch of Chandrayaan -1 satellite to the moon, India's Cricket Victory are but some Important but small steps of much Larger things to come.
This is Diwali Special Safety edition...Have a Safe and Joyful Diwali
Special thanks and credits for this week are to Sridhar, Ananth, Manoj, Pavithra, Sateesh, Rajat...Read in Leisure and please continue to share your articles, jokes, puzzles, feedback to balajineela@gmail.com
1. It's all about YOU...Self-Confidence...B/f Ramalingam
2. Thought for this week…B/f Priya
3. Lateral thinking…B/f
4. Management quick tips...Learn New Tools..B/f Manoj
5. Jokes corner...B/f Arvind
6. Management thoughts…Path Breakers…B/f Murthy
7. Health... Diet…B/f Kala
8. Tip for this week...
9. Safety…Diwali precautions…it's new!!..B/f Various
10. Closing thoughts
1. It's all about YOU Self Confidence!
There are many people who have succeeded in life without education, money and even without arms or legs. There are many such achievers.
But no person has succeeded in his/her life without self-confidence.
Believe in yourself. Just believe that you are the right person for the job assigned to you. At the end of the day you will be amazed by the results.
2. Thought for this week
When you have a Passion and a Reason to do something,
you'll surely have what you want...
It may seem hard or even impossible,
but if you have a Strong Enough Reason to do Something,
You'll be able to tap in your Inner God-given Potential!
3. Lateral thinking
A square medieval castle on a square island was under siege. All around the island, there was a 10 metre wide water moat. But the conquerors could make foot-bridges only 9.5 metres long. Nevertheless a wise man was able to figure out how to get over the water. What do you think was his advice?
(There's a place on the other side to put the bridge against, not just a sheer wall. the water moat has square corners - that section of the moat is about 14.1 metres wide.)
The Answer is very simple, if you think logically….check your answers later in the issue
4. Management quick tips... Learn New Skills
In this tough environment….to make your self extra indispensable…..
It should go without saying that any time you have the opportunity to learn something new, you should take it. You’ll impress your boss if you can show that you’ve learned new skills that go beyond your current position. You might consider earning additional industry certifications or maybe go back to school for a higher degree.
Taking on these things while working full time can be quite taxing, but with the ever-increasing availability of night classes and self-study materials, it’s definitely possible.
5. Jokes corner.. இம்சை அரசன் 24ம் புலிகேசி
அமைச்சர் : மன்னா! போருக்கு தயாராக சொல்லி பக்கத்து நாட்டு அரசன் ஓலை அனுப்பியுள்ளான்.
இ.அ.24.பு : ஐயகோ! இப்பொழுது என்ன செய்வது?
ஆங்! "ஓலை sending failed" என்று திருப்பியனுப்பிவிடு.
6. Management thoughts... Be a path breaker!!!!!!!!!!
We all have dreams and ambitions. All of us want to be successful, be known and be famous. We want to accomplish something in life. Often we realize that we have the potential to do much more than what we might be doing at the moment, but most of the time we choose to do nothing.
All we opt for is to remain trapped in our eight-to-eight bread and butter earning routine, passing each day, waiting for the next, just to repeat the same schedule over and over again, until the day we retire from work, when we have nothing to show but an empty life.
Many of us feel that we don't have the time. Others feel they don't have enough resources. Still others would say that it is something outside their bounds. They think it is impossible. Many of us would be willing to take a chance, but are afraid of failure. May be we are looking for some motivation. Some kind of assurance, that everything would turn out to be fine, if we follow our instincts.
Where can we find such a motivation?My teacher would say, "Challenges in life comes in three broad categories --- easy, difficult and impossible.
Those who take only the easy have a safe and boring life.
Those who take on the difficult have a tough but satisfying life.
But those who take on the impossible are remembered. They are path breakers.
They have been very different from what we have been. This is perhaps because of the choices they made in their life. They are the people who have dared to defy the trends and have refused to join the rat race. In fact they have walked away and walked ahead.
Think about Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Abraham Lincoln etc. Their life and work served as an assurance and source of motivation to all those who hold the desire to follow their instincts and take the road less travelled.
7. Health…Diet
How to lose weight? Obesity is not only the problem of adults, but also children.
Encourage children to have games involving physical activity.
1. Eat breakfast like a rich man, lunch like a middle man and dinner like a poor man. Timely food is important for a good health.
2. Early dinner is good for health. You should have two hours gap between the dinner and the time you go to sleep. Cultivate the habit of finishing the dinner before seven in the evening. All countries mostly other than India have early dinner.
3. Try to be active, not idling at one place or lying down. This is especially for women who are at home.
4. Exercise at least three days for 30-40 minutes. Exercise depends on body constitution and do at your comfort/acceptance.
5. Do not reduce the diet drastically or fast. The dieting process should be gradual. Stomach is elastic and will get adjusted to our pace eventually.
6. Eat lot of fruits/raw vegetables to supplement the hunger as the natural sugar can supply us energy for along time
7. Exercise can keep body fit, but combined with diet will help reduce weight
8. Tip for this week….
Struggling for a Proof of address – here is a small useful service commenced by the Indian Postal department
The Postal Department will issue identity cards (ID), carrying the home address, to city residents. To begin with, the new ID cards will be issued in Chennai and later in two tier cities.
It will be similar to a smart card. Priced at Rs.210, it will have a hologram of India Post and the photograph of the cardholder. The ID card will have details of the person’s blood group and identification marks.
The cards are well-laminated and tamper-proof. They will be issued by the postmaster of the head post office and will be valid for three years. The postal department will provide bona fide proof of address for them.
This would be beneficial for all the migrant population to get address proof and can be used as an alternative for authorised address proof documents like ration card, passport etc. The card will enable users to open a bank account, buy mobile phones, apply for a telephone connection and ration card among other things.
9. Safety…Have a Safe Diwali
Deepavali is the festival of lights, fun, frolic and fireworks. Old and young alike love and enjoy the splendor and sparkle of fireworks.
Fireworks have been an integral part of Deepavali celebration, While using fireworks, be sure to follow the safety rules below. Remember, common fireworks are explosives and must be handled with care and respect to prevent injury.
· Purchase your crackers from a reliable shop to ensure quality and better safety.
· Keep phone nos handy of Doctors in station during Diwali , to contact in event of emergency.
· Purchase Firecrackers suitable to your requirement & avoid buying those, which you feel unsafe.
· Buy a suitable ointment (Like Burnol) for first aid in event of burns along with firecrackers and keep it handy. It will provide lot of help in emergencies.
· Park your car or two wheeler in a safe place. Ensure that you have fuel to rush to the hospital in event of emergency. Petrol pumps are shut on the day after the festival
· Talk to all on safety before you start playing with crackers
· Do not keep firecrackers in the kitchen or near inflammables/ combustibles.
· Keep firecrackers beyond easy reach of children.
· Do not keep them on or near a wet place it will spoil your charm
· If you still smoke do not smoke near the place where the firecrackers are kept.
On Diwali Day
· Let the adults take care of safety and Children play.
· In case a person is afraid of crackers, do not force him to play. Also, do not use firecrackers near him.
· If you have a pet dog at home do not disturb him. Make a place for him to hide, as dogs are very scared of the sounds and lights.
· Keep a water bucket handy to put sparklers in or to fight fire.
· Younger children must not be allowed to light the firecrackers. Even sparklers can be dangerous if left unsupervised.
· Some older children might try to show off by taking unnecessary risks. Be intolerant to such behaviours and talk to him.
· The face and the body must be kept away from the firecracker. The tip of the firework must be lighted at an arm's length using fireworks lighter or fuse wick.
· All crackers must be set afire only in open areas
· Rockets should be put in non- inflammable containers (glass bottles) and directed upwards-
· Observe that no one tamper with bomb fuses.
· In cases of a heavy wind, flying firecrackers must not be lighted.
· Children must not be allowed to make a bonfire of firecrackers-
· The burnt remains of firecrackers must be put in a bucket of water.
· Children usually enjoy throwing glowing or burning objects prevent this.
· In case earthen lamps and candles are used. Ensure that these are not near inflammable materials like wood. Clothe or paper. Lamps and candles must be put off after the festivities.
· Avoid electrical lighting if not sure on the electrical safety
Dress Code for the day:
May be formal or Casual but
· Should wear cotton clothes that are not very loose or flowing.
· Silk, polyester and synthetics must be avoided at all costs.
· Wear shoes this is safer.
· Girls must take extra care of their long dupattas.
First Aid
Ingestion: In case a child has swallowed part of a firecracker. Immediately give two glasses of salted water and induce vomiting. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Immediately consult Doctor
Burns: Use water on bums. Wrap victim in a blanket and remove to fresh air. If not breathing, begin resuscitation.
Eye contact: Immediately flush eyes with water for at least 15 minutes.
Skin Contact: Remove and isolate contaminated clothing. Flush skin with water for at least 15 minutes.
Emergency Contact number for Fire Emergency: 101
Castle - solution
You can put one foot-bridge over one corner (thus a triangle is created). Then from the middle of this foot-bridge lay another foot-bridge to the edge (corner) of the castle. You can make a few easy equations confirming that this is enough.
10. Closing thoughts…
Cricket: Victory over Aussies in the 2nd test Match
No Words to describe the wonderful performance of the Indian Cricket team…Can you believe that the Indian team won the 2nd test Match by a massive 320 runs.
"We were outplayed" – Ricky Ponting ; Never in recent times has an Aussie Captain made such a statement…the Indian team combined very well to give some sterling performances (Special Mention Amit Mishra – the New Leg Spinner, Gambhir, Viru, Ganguly)
Extra credits are to Zaheer for taking the battle right to the Aussies with his aggressive on / off the field performances and Dhoni for his aggressive captaincy.
What was remarkable here was – the Aussies missed the experience of Shane Warne and McGrath; In contrast it was the Youth and exuberance in the Indian Team (E.g.) Amit Mishra stand-in for Kumble and Dhoni – Stand-in captain which helped them to achieve this historic feat.
Chandrayaan-1: Mission to the Moon
The Moon Probe satellite blasted off successfully from Sri Hari Kota successfully on Wednesday – it would orbit the earth before finally landing on the moon – a very smart satellite with multi sensors – to explore the moon for Minerals, precious metals, etc, this satellite is being talked as an Engineering marvel across the World.
When the landing happens, India will become the 6th Nation to achieve this great technological feat!!! Truly a very proud moment
For every Indian…..Let us salute the ISRO Scientists for their dedication, passion and commitment.
This is Diwali Special Safety edition...Have a Safe and Joyful Diwali
Special thanks and credits for this week are to Sridhar, Ananth, Manoj, Pavithra, Sateesh, Rajat...Read in Leisure and please continue to share your articles, jokes, puzzles, feedback to balajineela@gmail.com
1. It's all about YOU...Self-Confidence...B/f Ramalingam
2. Thought for this week…B/f Priya
3. Lateral thinking…B/f
4. Management quick tips...Learn New Tools..B/f Manoj
5. Jokes corner...B/f Arvind
6. Management thoughts…Path Breakers…B/f Murthy
7. Health... Diet…B/f Kala
8. Tip for this week...
9. Safety…Diwali precautions…it's new!!..B/f Various
10. Closing thoughts
1. It's all about YOU Self Confidence!
There are many people who have succeeded in life without education, money and even without arms or legs. There are many such achievers.
But no person has succeeded in his/her life without self-confidence.
Believe in yourself. Just believe that you are the right person for the job assigned to you. At the end of the day you will be amazed by the results.
2. Thought for this week
When you have a Passion and a Reason to do something,
you'll surely have what you want...
It may seem hard or even impossible,
but if you have a Strong Enough Reason to do Something,
You'll be able to tap in your Inner God-given Potential!
3. Lateral thinking
A square medieval castle on a square island was under siege. All around the island, there was a 10 metre wide water moat. But the conquerors could make foot-bridges only 9.5 metres long. Nevertheless a wise man was able to figure out how to get over the water. What do you think was his advice?
(There's a place on the other side to put the bridge against, not just a sheer wall. the water moat has square corners - that section of the moat is about 14.1 metres wide.)
The Answer is very simple, if you think logically….check your answers later in the issue
4. Management quick tips... Learn New Skills
In this tough environment….to make your self extra indispensable…..
It should go without saying that any time you have the opportunity to learn something new, you should take it. You’ll impress your boss if you can show that you’ve learned new skills that go beyond your current position. You might consider earning additional industry certifications or maybe go back to school for a higher degree.
Taking on these things while working full time can be quite taxing, but with the ever-increasing availability of night classes and self-study materials, it’s definitely possible.
5. Jokes corner.. இம்சை அரசன் 24ம் புலிகேசி
அமைச்சர் : மன்னா! போருக்கு தயாராக சொல்லி பக்கத்து நாட்டு அரசன் ஓலை அனுப்பியுள்ளான்.
இ.அ.24.பு : ஐயகோ! இப்பொழுது என்ன செய்வது?
ஆங்! "ஓலை sending failed" என்று திருப்பியனுப்பிவிடு.
6. Management thoughts... Be a path breaker!!!!!!!!!!
We all have dreams and ambitions. All of us want to be successful, be known and be famous. We want to accomplish something in life. Often we realize that we have the potential to do much more than what we might be doing at the moment, but most of the time we choose to do nothing.
All we opt for is to remain trapped in our eight-to-eight bread and butter earning routine, passing each day, waiting for the next, just to repeat the same schedule over and over again, until the day we retire from work, when we have nothing to show but an empty life.
Many of us feel that we don't have the time. Others feel they don't have enough resources. Still others would say that it is something outside their bounds. They think it is impossible. Many of us would be willing to take a chance, but are afraid of failure. May be we are looking for some motivation. Some kind of assurance, that everything would turn out to be fine, if we follow our instincts.
Where can we find such a motivation?My teacher would say, "Challenges in life comes in three broad categories --- easy, difficult and impossible.
Those who take only the easy have a safe and boring life.
Those who take on the difficult have a tough but satisfying life.
But those who take on the impossible are remembered. They are path breakers.
They have been very different from what we have been. This is perhaps because of the choices they made in their life. They are the people who have dared to defy the trends and have refused to join the rat race. In fact they have walked away and walked ahead.
Think about Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Abraham Lincoln etc. Their life and work served as an assurance and source of motivation to all those who hold the desire to follow their instincts and take the road less travelled.
7. Health…Diet
How to lose weight? Obesity is not only the problem of adults, but also children.
Encourage children to have games involving physical activity.
1. Eat breakfast like a rich man, lunch like a middle man and dinner like a poor man. Timely food is important for a good health.
2. Early dinner is good for health. You should have two hours gap between the dinner and the time you go to sleep. Cultivate the habit of finishing the dinner before seven in the evening. All countries mostly other than India have early dinner.
3. Try to be active, not idling at one place or lying down. This is especially for women who are at home.
4. Exercise at least three days for 30-40 minutes. Exercise depends on body constitution and do at your comfort/acceptance.
5. Do not reduce the diet drastically or fast. The dieting process should be gradual. Stomach is elastic and will get adjusted to our pace eventually.
6. Eat lot of fruits/raw vegetables to supplement the hunger as the natural sugar can supply us energy for along time
7. Exercise can keep body fit, but combined with diet will help reduce weight
8. Tip for this week….
Struggling for a Proof of address – here is a small useful service commenced by the Indian Postal department
The Postal Department will issue identity cards (ID), carrying the home address, to city residents. To begin with, the new ID cards will be issued in Chennai and later in two tier cities.
It will be similar to a smart card. Priced at Rs.210, it will have a hologram of India Post and the photograph of the cardholder. The ID card will have details of the person’s blood group and identification marks.
The cards are well-laminated and tamper-proof. They will be issued by the postmaster of the head post office and will be valid for three years. The postal department will provide bona fide proof of address for them.
This would be beneficial for all the migrant population to get address proof and can be used as an alternative for authorised address proof documents like ration card, passport etc. The card will enable users to open a bank account, buy mobile phones, apply for a telephone connection and ration card among other things.
9. Safety…Have a Safe Diwali
Deepavali is the festival of lights, fun, frolic and fireworks. Old and young alike love and enjoy the splendor and sparkle of fireworks.
Fireworks have been an integral part of Deepavali celebration, While using fireworks, be sure to follow the safety rules below. Remember, common fireworks are explosives and must be handled with care and respect to prevent injury.
· Purchase your crackers from a reliable shop to ensure quality and better safety.
· Keep phone nos handy of Doctors in station during Diwali , to contact in event of emergency.
· Purchase Firecrackers suitable to your requirement & avoid buying those, which you feel unsafe.
· Buy a suitable ointment (Like Burnol) for first aid in event of burns along with firecrackers and keep it handy. It will provide lot of help in emergencies.
· Park your car or two wheeler in a safe place. Ensure that you have fuel to rush to the hospital in event of emergency. Petrol pumps are shut on the day after the festival
· Talk to all on safety before you start playing with crackers
· Do not keep firecrackers in the kitchen or near inflammables/ combustibles.
· Keep firecrackers beyond easy reach of children.
· Do not keep them on or near a wet place it will spoil your charm
· If you still smoke do not smoke near the place where the firecrackers are kept.
On Diwali Day
· Let the adults take care of safety and Children play.
· In case a person is afraid of crackers, do not force him to play. Also, do not use firecrackers near him.
· If you have a pet dog at home do not disturb him. Make a place for him to hide, as dogs are very scared of the sounds and lights.
· Keep a water bucket handy to put sparklers in or to fight fire.
· Younger children must not be allowed to light the firecrackers. Even sparklers can be dangerous if left unsupervised.
· Some older children might try to show off by taking unnecessary risks. Be intolerant to such behaviours and talk to him.
· The face and the body must be kept away from the firecracker. The tip of the firework must be lighted at an arm's length using fireworks lighter or fuse wick.
· All crackers must be set afire only in open areas
· Rockets should be put in non- inflammable containers (glass bottles) and directed upwards-
· Observe that no one tamper with bomb fuses.
· In cases of a heavy wind, flying firecrackers must not be lighted.
· Children must not be allowed to make a bonfire of firecrackers-
· The burnt remains of firecrackers must be put in a bucket of water.
· Children usually enjoy throwing glowing or burning objects prevent this.
· In case earthen lamps and candles are used. Ensure that these are not near inflammable materials like wood. Clothe or paper. Lamps and candles must be put off after the festivities.
· Avoid electrical lighting if not sure on the electrical safety
Dress Code for the day:
May be formal or Casual but
· Should wear cotton clothes that are not very loose or flowing.
· Silk, polyester and synthetics must be avoided at all costs.
· Wear shoes this is safer.
· Girls must take extra care of their long dupattas.
First Aid
Ingestion: In case a child has swallowed part of a firecracker. Immediately give two glasses of salted water and induce vomiting. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Immediately consult Doctor
Burns: Use water on bums. Wrap victim in a blanket and remove to fresh air. If not breathing, begin resuscitation.
Eye contact: Immediately flush eyes with water for at least 15 minutes.
Skin Contact: Remove and isolate contaminated clothing. Flush skin with water for at least 15 minutes.
Emergency Contact number for Fire Emergency: 101

You can put one foot-bridge over one corner (thus a triangle is created). Then from the middle of this foot-bridge lay another foot-bridge to the edge (corner) of the castle. You can make a few easy equations confirming that this is enough.
10. Closing thoughts…
Cricket: Victory over Aussies in the 2nd test Match
No Words to describe the wonderful performance of the Indian Cricket team…Can you believe that the Indian team won the 2nd test Match by a massive 320 runs.
"We were outplayed" – Ricky Ponting ; Never in recent times has an Aussie Captain made such a statement…the Indian team combined very well to give some sterling performances (Special Mention Amit Mishra – the New Leg Spinner, Gambhir, Viru, Ganguly)
Extra credits are to Zaheer for taking the battle right to the Aussies with his aggressive on / off the field performances and Dhoni for his aggressive captaincy.
What was remarkable here was – the Aussies missed the experience of Shane Warne and McGrath; In contrast it was the Youth and exuberance in the Indian Team (E.g.) Amit Mishra stand-in for Kumble and Dhoni – Stand-in captain which helped them to achieve this historic feat.
Chandrayaan-1: Mission to the Moon
The Moon Probe satellite blasted off successfully from Sri Hari Kota successfully on Wednesday – it would orbit the earth before finally landing on the moon – a very smart satellite with multi sensors – to explore the moon for Minerals, precious metals, etc, this satellite is being talked as an Engineering marvel across the World.
When the landing happens, India will become the 6th Nation to achieve this great technological feat!!! Truly a very proud moment
For every Indian…..Let us salute the ISRO Scientists for their dedication, passion and commitment.
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