With those thoughts, here comes a personalised Edition 43 of Good to Great… thanks for the tremendous feedback for the Women's day special. I hope each of you made your Small effort to make it a special day for someone.
Yes Girl's, you would also get your turn…while researching for this edition, discovered that there is an International Men's day being celebrated on Nov 19th – Now you can also wish your Father, brother, a colleague, a Friend, son, etc.,
Please read in Leisure and please continue to share your articles, jokes, puzzles, feedback to balajineela@gmail.com
Contents (My top 2 picks for this week – Inspirational video and YOU
1. Its all about YOU.. YOU can do it…B/f Sunantha
2. Thought for this week…B/f Ramalingam
3. Health...2009 Handbook.B/f Swami, Viswanathan
4. Inspirations….Amazing Video.. It is how we finish that counts...
5. Jokes corner....b/f
6. Management thoughts…If we were like the geese..
7. Parenting..Home – A Prepared environment #4 Routines – B/f Neela
8. Cartoonz..
9. Psychology - Reading peoples characters - using Masala Dosa(!!) Part 2/3..B/f Narayana
10. Trivia...Square and Pi….B/f Sam
1. Its all about YOU - YOU can do it!!
Balaji – Many a time, Our limitations is more in our mind than in our abilities – Read this interesting incident and through open your mind to achieve more..Excellent article Sunantha)
Here's a story about George Dantzig - the famed mathematician whose contributions to Operations Research and systems engineering have made him immortal.
As a college student, George studied very hard and often late into the night. So late, that he overslept one morning, arriving 20 minutes late for Prof. Neyman's class. He quickly copied the two Maths problems on the board, assuming they were the homework assignment. It took him several days to work through the two problems, but finally he had a breakthrough and dropped the homework on Neyman's desk the next day.
Six weeks later, on a Sunday morning, George was awakened at 6 a.m. by his excited professor. Since George was late for class, he hadn't heard the professor announce that the two unsolvable equations on the board were mathematical mind-teasers that even Einstein hadn't been able to answer. But George Dantzig, working without any thoughts of limitation, had solved not one, but two problems that had stumped mathematicians for thousands of years.
Simply put, George solved the problems because he didn't know he couldn't.
You are not limited to the life you now live. It has been accepted by you as the best you can do at this moment. Any time you're ready to go beyond the limitations currently in your life, you're capable of doing that by choosing different thoughts. All you must do is figure out how you can do it, not whether or not you can. And once you have made your mind up to do it, it's amazing how your mind begins to figure out how..
A person is limited only by the thoughts that he/she chooses.
2. Thought for this week
In my workshop one executive got up and asked me, ‘my boss called me idiot. It hurts me a lot’.
I asked ‘Are you an idiot’.
He answered ‘I have done my Ph.D’.
I said ‘you are not an idiot, so there is nothing to get hurt. Even if you are an idiot still there is nothing to be hurt, as it would be a statement of fact. What upset us most is the way we look into these words. If somebody speaks wrongly about you, it is his or her problem and not yours. A hurt or upset mind, whether justified or not, is self-damaging. Therefore, do not allow disturbed thoughts ruin your life. – Swami Sukabodhananda
3. Health..HANDBOOK 2009
1. Drink plenty of water.
2. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar.
3. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants.
(Balaji = & also less of those that had ability to move on their on)
4. Live with the 3 E's -- Energy, Enthusiasm, and Empathy.
5. Make time to practice meditation, yoga, and prayer.
6. Play more games. (Balaji – this refers to Sports, not politics)
7. Read more books than you did in 2008.
8. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day.
9. Sleep for 7 hours.
10. Take a 10-30 minutes walk every day. And while you walk, smile.
(Balaji..Smile here refers to 2 aspects….one is the inner happiness and secondly, Smile at someone – don’t smile alone as you take the walk….people could think otherwise…hee hee!!)
4. Inspirational Video.. It is how we finish that counts...
Balaji - WoW. One of the best Videos…Needless to say, I saw it again and again..there were tears in my eyes..!!
One of the earlier editions had a write up on Nick Vujicic, who has no arms or legs - but has come to terms with his lot in life. In this video, he performs and delivers an inspirational speech to these school kids that they will probably never forget. A powerful video to share and reflect.
Please take a few minute out of your busy day to watch
5. Jokes corner..
Real – Interest Vs Passion
My wife was asking me for the difference between passion and interest…I was trying to articulate the difference through some examples….based on sports (which I am generally passionate about). My wife was asking if there was a simpler way of bringing out the difference….Since she has started to teach, using all my kidney, I used some lively teaching examples to explain the difference (or so I thought)
Then she shared with me an interesting example which Gopi had used in Vijay TV…."Neeyaa Naanaa" which brings out the difference quite easily and directly…
You may be Interested in marrying a girl like Aishwarya Rai
Or You could be passionate about marrying ONLY Aishwarya Rai
Wow…hitting the nail straight on the head…
Reel - Yummy Peanuts
A tour bus driver has a bus full of senior citizens. As he’s driving, the bus driver gets tapped on the shoulder by a little old lady.
She offers him a handful of peanuts, which he gratefully eats. After about 15 minutes, she taps him on his shoulder again and she hands him another handful of peanuts. She repeats this gesture about five more times.
When she is about to hand him another batch of peanuts, the bus driver asks the little old lady why she doesn't eat them.
"We can't chew them because we've got no teeth", she says. So, the puzzled driver asks, “Why do you buy them then?" The little old lady replies, "We just love the chocolate around them!!"
Hee hee!!!
6. Management thoughts..Flight of geese..
Balaji – Very good article….We have a lot to get inspired / Learn from animals – here is a good story on Leadership, teamwork from Geese!!
If between friends and partners, we were geese...Ah!
The next season, when you see the geese migrating, going to a warmer place, to sort the winter... Pay attention that they fly in a “V” formation. Maybe you will be interested in knowing
Why they do it this way... By flying in a “V” formation....
The whole flock increases the flight efficiency by 71%...Compared to just one bird flying alone

Sharing the same direction and working as a team, get us to the destination quicker and easier.
By helping ourselves, the accomplishments are greater!.
When a goose leaves the formation..He feels the resistance of the air and the difficulties of flying alone....
Then, he quickly comes back to the formation to take advantage of the the flock’s power in front of him ..
Lesson 2:
By staying in tune and united beside those who are going in the same direction, the effort will be less. It will be easier and pleasing to reach the goals, Everyone will be inclined to accept and give help.
When the leader goose gets tired of flying...... He goes to the end of the “V” formation.
While another goose takes the lead.

To share the leadership, There must be mutual respect between us all the time... Sharing the hardest problems and tasks.. Gathering our abilities and combining our faculties, talents and resources….
The geese flying on a “V” formation, they quack to encourage to the ones in the front.
In that way, they keep the same speed
Lesson 4:
When there is courage and encouragement, the progress is greater.. A timely word of encouragement, always motivates, helps and strengthens.. It produces the best of benefits...

Other geese leave the formation too, and they fly with him to help him out and protect him.
They remain with him until he dies or he is able to fly again. They reach their bevy or they just make another “V” formation.
Lesson 5:
Let’s stay beside each other no matter what the differences. Specially in times of difficulty and great challenges..
If we bond together and support each other..
If we make true the spirit of teamwork..
Regardless of our differences, we can rise to meet our challenge.
If we understand the real value of friendship..
If we are aware of the feeling of sharing..
7. Parenting - Home - A Prepared Environment – # 4 Routine
Balaji - No routine article…read on..!
"In our rapidly changing society, there is pressure on parents to give their children more and more freedom. Increasingly, it is only the mature and confident parent who gives his/her child the guidance, limits and leadership that is necessary for true freedom."
- it is important to establish routines as they help children make sense of the world around them
- establish and maintain bedtime routine
- don't introduce any interesting materials or activities just prior to bedtime or naptime
- establish and maintain routines for transition times
- prepare children for changes in routine, a visit from grandparents, a holiday
- be consistent
In addition to assisting children gain independence, the following suggestions help children gain self-control, acquire a healthy self-image and provide opportunities for adults and children to spend time together. These activities all take the adult's time and patience in the beginning but are worth it!
8. Cartoons..

Important Lessons:
- Keep environment clean - at all costs
- Love thy job - Maybe, but don't you dare to smell
- Use sticks (See the lady's right hand)
Hee Hee!!!
9. Psychology - Reading peoples characters ….using Masala Dosa(!!)
Never realised you could learn so much from 1 masala dosa – Contd…
There are many ways to eat a masala dosa ..What ever the way one eats; there is a very good reason for doing that. It shows some traits of the person that is you...

People who do finish the dosa: These folks are the typical human beings. We all enjoy the greatest of times in life and push the sad parts thinking about the great times in life. Typically the plate is clean and nothing is left for fate or in life. Happiness and sadness are part of life and these guys know that and are kind of prepared for it. Life is not always happy but there are moments of happiness here and there.
People who eat the dosa making sure that the masala lasts for the whole dosa: These people are very rare. These are the people who like to attain balance in their life. It is hard to displease these people and it is hard to make them really happy. They like their balance and are very protective of it. Sadly these are the people who tend to be lonely as anyone else may upset the balance of their system... Perfectionist to the core and are very careful. These guys do not make the best company but are needed in any group to make the group from going hay wire.
People who do not share and eat the dosa as if it is precious: These folks are very protective about their life. They do not want anyone to come and interfere in their life. They like to hide their true nature and intensions for their benefit. Beware of such people as they are in every group for their own need and nothing else.
People who offer their first bite to others: These guys are overly friendly. They do anything to be part of a group and make everyone feel like the group is important than the individuals. They are the glue that holds any group together. They are very friendly and bring the best of all the others in the group. They go out of their way to help other friends. Most groups should have a person like this and they are the ones who plan the group outings and other group activities. Once this person is out of the group, typically the group slowly falls apart.
So next time you sit with a person eating masala dosa, look closely and see if he falls into one of the above categories. You may be surprised as how much it reveals about the person
** Enjoy eating Masala Dosa **
10. Trivia…Square and Pi
The square root day just passed us recently (which only happens a few times a century)!
That is 3.3.09.
I am sure that you had eaten your root vegetables cut up into cubes! Dare to be a square!
Please note: Don't forget pi day is coming up and it's on a Saturday this year! (3.14.09). An extra good reason to celebrate with drinks and pie of course.
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