is going to be a Year of Blogging shortly and the Anniversary edition is getting ready with more super articles and sharings....With that, let's go to # 51 of Good to Great!!
Special Message: Mothers Day

"Mother carries the child in her womb for nine months and in her heart for the rest of her life".
Mother's Day is an occasion when individuals express their love and respect that they have for their mother. It's time to pamper her for all she has done for us over the years. On Mother's Day you can tell your Mom that she will always be important to you all and that you will continue to love her for ever.

1. Its all about YOU B/f

Friendship is like the breeze,

You can't hold it, Smell it, Taste it,
Or know when it's coming,
But you can always feel it,
And you'll always know it's there,
It may come and then go,
But you can know it'll alw! ays be back.
Just like You!!!!
Click on the picture to see an enlarged view
2. Thought for this week B/f Yogeetha

that tells you it will be a butterfly.
What we are & what we have been
has no bearing on what we can be'.
- Richard Buckminster
3. Health...Tips for a cool summer!!!
In this part of the world, the summer is very hot and humid. Drinking water is very important during the summer months, especially for children as they are active all the time and hence are prone to becoming more dehydrated. So, it is very important to maintain the fluid balance in their bodies.
Here are some recommendations to increase your child’s fluid intake:
• Give him water during the day and other liquids like milk and fresh juices
• Encourage your child to eat fresh fruits and vegetables regularly as they are rich in water, fibers and vitamins and minerals
• Incorporate foods rich in water like salads
• Always keep fresh fruit juices in the fridge, so that they are within easy reach of your child
• Supplement with milkshake & fruits, fruit ice-cream and cold chocolate milk
If your child is playing outdoors in the hot weather:
• Make sure your child wears a hats
• Let him take a break from playing at mid day as it is the hottest time of the day, and instead let him play in the shade or indoors
• Splash water on his head when he gets too hot
Here are some recommendations to increase your child’s fluid intake:
• Give him water during the day and other liquids like milk and fresh juices
• Encourage your child to eat fresh fruits and vegetables regularly as they are rich in water, fibers and vitamins and minerals
• Incorporate foods rich in water like salads
• Always keep fresh fruit juices in the fridge, so that they are within easy reach of your child
• Supplement with milkshake & fruits, fruit ice-cream and cold chocolate milk
If your child is playing outdoors in the hot weather:
• Make sure your child wears a hats
• Let him take a break from playing at mid day as it is the hottest time of the day, and instead let him play in the shade or indoors
• Splash water on his head when he gets too hot
4. Management quick tips.. Few key lessons to learn from IPL B/f Dev
Friends, it is IPL season….so here is a special flavour of the day!!!
# 1 Short-term strategy for each match
Every match is different and requires proper analysis of the opponent team, the weather conditions, etc.

# 2 Appoint experts for different roles
If you don't have the expertise in a particular area, you should appoint people who are expert in that area. Also you should not refrain from doing something which you have never done before.

# 3 Focus on winning the war and not the battle
The ultimate objective should be to win the finals.
There would be several matches before that and one needs to learn from each match. One may lose a particular match, however if the attitude is right, you can win the World Cup.
5. Jokes corner..Engineer Vs Management – B/f Venkat, Murthy
A woman in a hot air balloon realized she was lost. She reduced altitude and spotted a man below.She descended a bit more and shouted, 'Excuse me sir, can you help me? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago but I don't know where I am.'
The man below replied, 'You're in a hot air balloon hovering approximately 30 feet above the ground.You're between 40 and 41 degrees north latitude and between 59 and 60 degrees west longitude.
' 'You must be an engineer,' said the lady balloonist.'I am', replied the man.
'How did you know?'
'Well, answered the balloonist, 'everything you told me is technically correct, but I've no idea what to make of your information, and the fact is I'm still lost.
Frankly, you've not been much help to me at all. If anything you've delayed my trip even more.'
The man below responded, 'You must be in management.'‘I am,' replied the lady balloonist, 'but, how did you know?
''Well,' said the man, 'You don't know where you are, or where you're going. You have risen to where you are, due to a large quantity of hot air within.
You made a promise, which you've no idea how to keep, and you expect people beneath you, to solve your problems.
6. Management thoughts.. Who Packed Your Parachute? B/f Ramesh
An excerpt from "Aim for the Heart - By Tom Mathews"
As a leader, do you honor and appreciate the power of WE? Do you stop to thank and recognize the members of your team? Do you consistently show an attitude of gratitude?
This great story is about Captain Charles Plumb, a graduate from the Naval Academy, whose plane, after 74 successful combat missions over North Vietnam, was shot down. He parachuted to safety, but was captured, tortured and spent 2,103 days in a small box-like cell.
After surviving the ordeal, Captain Plumb received the Silver Star, Bronze Star, the Legion of Merit and two Purple Hearts, and returned to America and spoke to many groups about his experience and how it compared to the challenges of every day life.
Shortly after coming home, Charlie and his wife were sitting in a restaurant. A man rose from a nearby table, walked over and said, "You're Plumb! You flew jet fighters in Vietnam from the aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk. You were shot down!"
Surprised that he was recognized, Charlie responded, "How in the world did you know that?" The man replied, "I packed your parachute." Charlie looked up with surprise. The man pumped his hand, gave a thumbs-up, and said, "I guess it worked!"
Charlie stood to shake the man's hand, and assured him, "It most certainly did work. If it had not worked, I would not be here today."
Charlie could not sleep that night, thinking about the man. He wondered if he might have seen him and not even said, "Good morning, how are you?" He thought of the many hours the sailor had spent bending over a long wooden table in the bottom of the ship, carefully folding the silks and weaving the shrouds of each chute, each time holding in his hands the fate of someone he didn't know.
Plumb then began to realize that along with the physical parachute, he needed mental, emotional and spiritual parachutes. He had called on all these supports during his long and painful ordeal.
As a leader, how many times a day, a week, a month, do we pass up the opportunity to thank those people in our organization who are "packing our parachutes?"
7. Parenting – What Kids want from their parents B/f Sundararajan
(Hey, Some of these could true with regard to expectations from our spouse!!!)
* Make sure you listen to my answers when you ask me questions.
* Listening is one of the best ways to show me you love me.
* Stop comparing me to my brothers or sisters or to my classmates. We are all different and want to be treated as individuals.
* Set high moral standards for me.
* Keep telling me you love me and are proud of me.
8. Cartoons..

An excerpt from "Aim for the Heart - By Tom Mathews"
As a leader, do you honor and appreciate the power of WE? Do you stop to thank and recognize the members of your team? Do you consistently show an attitude of gratitude?
This great story is about Captain Charles Plumb, a graduate from the Naval Academy, whose plane, after 74 successful combat missions over North Vietnam, was shot down. He parachuted to safety, but was captured, tortured and spent 2,103 days in a small box-like cell.
After surviving the ordeal, Captain Plumb received the Silver Star, Bronze Star, the Legion of Merit and two Purple Hearts, and returned to America and spoke to many groups about his experience and how it compared to the challenges of every day life.
Shortly after coming home, Charlie and his wife were sitting in a restaurant. A man rose from a nearby table, walked over and said, "You're Plumb! You flew jet fighters in Vietnam from the aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk. You were shot down!"
Surprised that he was recognized, Charlie responded, "How in the world did you know that?" The man replied, "I packed your parachute." Charlie looked up with surprise. The man pumped his hand, gave a thumbs-up, and said, "I guess it worked!"
Charlie stood to shake the man's hand, and assured him, "It most certainly did work. If it had not worked, I would not be here today."
Charlie could not sleep that night, thinking about the man. He wondered if he might have seen him and not even said, "Good morning, how are you?" He thought of the many hours the sailor had spent bending over a long wooden table in the bottom of the ship, carefully folding the silks and weaving the shrouds of each chute, each time holding in his hands the fate of someone he didn't know.
Plumb then began to realize that along with the physical parachute, he needed mental, emotional and spiritual parachutes. He had called on all these supports during his long and painful ordeal.
As a leader, how many times a day, a week, a month, do we pass up the opportunity to thank those people in our organization who are "packing our parachutes?"
7. Parenting – What Kids want from their parents B/f Sundararajan
(Hey, Some of these could true with regard to expectations from our spouse!!!)
* Make sure you listen to my answers when you ask me questions.
* Listening is one of the best ways to show me you love me.
* Stop comparing me to my brothers or sisters or to my classmates. We are all different and want to be treated as individuals.
* Set high moral standards for me.
* Keep telling me you love me and are proud of me.
8. Cartoons..

Click on the picture to see an enlarged view
9. Self development – BEING ASSERTIVE B/f Satish, Anu
What is being assertive?
Standing up for your rights and not being taken advantage of is one definition of being assertive.
It also means communicating what you really want in a clear fashion, respecting your own rights and feelings and the rights and feelings of others. Assertion is an honest and appropriate expression of one's feelings, opinions, and needs. It takes self-analysis, and then practice, but the results are worth it.
How is being Assertive different from being Aggressive?
Being assertive means standing up for yourself in ways that violate the rights of others. Aggressive behaviour is typically punishing, hostile, blaming, and demanding. It can involve threats, name-calling, and even actual physical contact. It can also involve sarcasm, catty comments, gossip and "slips of the tongue."
What causes people to avoid being assertive?
Most people are not assertive for fear of displeasing others and of not being liked. However, although you may avoid some immediate unpleasantness by not being assertive, you could also jeopardize the relationship in the long run if you refuse to assert yourself and then feel taken advantage of over and over again.
How Assertive Are You?
Ask yourself the following questions.
• Do you ask for help if you need it?
• Do you express anger and annoyance appropriately?
• Do you ask questions when you're confused?
• Do you volunteer your opinions when you think or feel differently from others?
• Do you speak up in class fairly frequently?
• Are you able to say "no" when you don't want to do something?
• Do you speak with a generally confident manner, communicating caring and strength?
• Do you look at people when you're talking to them?
*****Learn to Be Assertive In a Positive Way********
How to begin?
Develop a value and belief system which allows you to assert yourself. This is the hardest part. It means giving yourself permission to be angry, to say "No," to ask for help, to make mistakes.
Learn assertiveness skills.
These include Basic Assertion, Emphatic Assertion, Escalating Assertion and I-Language Assertion (4 Types of Assertion).
Use your best communication skills.
* Maintain direct eye contact; keep your posture open and relaxed; be sure your facial expression agrees with the message; keep a level, well-modulated tone of voice; select an appropriate time to be assertive.
* Practice, practice, practice!
You won't learn how to become a more assertive person just by reading a pamphlet. If possible, become a part of an assertiveness or communication skills group. (See the back of this brochure for possible sponsors of such groups.) You can also practice on your friends and family. But tell them what you are doing first! Enlist their help; ask for feedback on how you're doing. In the long run, communicating honestly can help your relationships.
10. Tip for this week….A/C in Car – Precautions..B/f Rizwana
Please do not turn on A/C immediately as soon as you enter the car. Open the windows after you enter your car and turn ON the air-conditioning after a couple of minutes.
According to a research done, the car dashboard, sofa, air freshener emits Benzene, a Cancer causing toxin (carcinogen - take note of the heated plastic Smell in your car).
What is being assertive?
Standing up for your rights and not being taken advantage of is one definition of being assertive.
It also means communicating what you really want in a clear fashion, respecting your own rights and feelings and the rights and feelings of others. Assertion is an honest and appropriate expression of one's feelings, opinions, and needs. It takes self-analysis, and then practice, but the results are worth it.
How is being Assertive different from being Aggressive?
Being assertive means standing up for yourself in ways that violate the rights of others. Aggressive behaviour is typically punishing, hostile, blaming, and demanding. It can involve threats, name-calling, and even actual physical contact. It can also involve sarcasm, catty comments, gossip and "slips of the tongue."
What causes people to avoid being assertive?
Most people are not assertive for fear of displeasing others and of not being liked. However, although you may avoid some immediate unpleasantness by not being assertive, you could also jeopardize the relationship in the long run if you refuse to assert yourself and then feel taken advantage of over and over again.
How Assertive Are You?
Ask yourself the following questions.
• Do you ask for help if you need it?
• Do you express anger and annoyance appropriately?
• Do you ask questions when you're confused?
• Do you volunteer your opinions when you think or feel differently from others?
• Do you speak up in class fairly frequently?
• Are you able to say "no" when you don't want to do something?
• Do you speak with a generally confident manner, communicating caring and strength?
• Do you look at people when you're talking to them?
*****Learn to Be Assertive In a Positive Way********
How to begin?
Develop a value and belief system which allows you to assert yourself. This is the hardest part. It means giving yourself permission to be angry, to say "No," to ask for help, to make mistakes.
Learn assertiveness skills.
These include Basic Assertion, Emphatic Assertion, Escalating Assertion and I-Language Assertion (4 Types of Assertion).
Use your best communication skills.
* Maintain direct eye contact; keep your posture open and relaxed; be sure your facial expression agrees with the message; keep a level, well-modulated tone of voice; select an appropriate time to be assertive.
* Practice, practice, practice!
You won't learn how to become a more assertive person just by reading a pamphlet. If possible, become a part of an assertiveness or communication skills group. (See the back of this brochure for possible sponsors of such groups.) You can also practice on your friends and family. But tell them what you are doing first! Enlist their help; ask for feedback on how you're doing. In the long run, communicating honestly can help your relationships.
10. Tip for this week….A/C in Car – Precautions..B/f Rizwana
Please do not turn on A/C immediately as soon as you enter the car. Open the windows after you enter your car and turn ON the air-conditioning after a couple of minutes.
According to a research done, the car dashboard, sofa, air freshener emits Benzene, a Cancer causing toxin (carcinogen - take note of the heated plastic Smell in your car).
In addition to causing cancer, it poisons your bones, causes anemia, and reduces white blood cells. Prolonged exposure will cause Leukemia, increasing the risk of cancer. May also cause miscarriage. Acceptable Benzene level indoors is 50 mg per sq. ft...
A car parked indoors with the windows closed will contain 400-800 mg of Benzene. If parked outdoors under the sun at a temperature above 60 degrees F, the Benzene level goes up to 2000-4000 mg, 40 times the acceptable level... & the people inside the car will inevitably inhale an excess amount of the toxins.
It is recommended that you open the windows and door to give time for the interior to air out before you enter. Benzene is a toxin that affects your kidney and liver, and is very difficult for your body to expel this toxic stuff.
Please shoot me an email at, if you have any comments, suggestions, or questions. I love to hear from YOU. Spread the word! If you know anyone who might enjoy or benefit reading this weekly blog, please forward it on….
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I practice zero tolerance - I take extreme care to avoid publishing any material that may offend any religion, caste, sex, etc., however if you notice anything that might offend anyone or group of people, please do let me know, and I will remove that material after review.
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