In this edition, first articles out of partnership with Indusladies in the form of a Free eBook is available - read and benefit even MORE...
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Customer Love – By Mac Anderson (Simple truths)
One of my all-time favorite quotes is...."Customer service is not a department, it's an attitude."
How true it is! As much as we try to complicate what great service's really pretty simple: It is giving more than the customer expects...consistently. You notice I said simple, not easy. There is a big difference.
How true it is! As much as we try to complicate what great service's really pretty simple: It is giving more than the customer expects...consistently. You notice I said simple, not easy. There is a big difference.
Today, I'd like to share a chapter I titled: "A Crash Course on Customer Service."
Excerpt from Customer Love, by Mac Anderson
The 10 phrases from my friends at Walk the Talk are an illuminating reminder of how uncomplicated it is to make customers feel loved. People don't care how much you know, (or what you sell, or what type of service you provide) until they know how much you care!
The 10 most important words: "I apologize for our mistake. Let me make it right.
"When something goes wrong, most people merely want to be heard and acknowledged. So listen, apologize, then ask what you can do to make it right.
The 9 most important words: "Thank you for your business. Please come back again."
Repeat customers cost less than new customers and are often more loyal.
The 8 most important words: "I'm not sure, but I will find out."
It's ok if you don't know the answer; it's not ok to make the customer keep searching for it. That's your job.
The 7 most important words: "What else can I do for you?"
Be prepared to go the extra mile, there is less competition there.
The 6 most important words: "What is most convenient for you?
"Your customers will be pleasantly surprised when you ask what's convenient for them.
The 5 most important words: "How may I serve you?"
This question reinforces your role in the relationship. Play that role the best you can.
The 4 most important words: "How did we do?"
Feedback is critical! Your customers have a unique perspective and they appreciate being asked.
The 3 most important words: "Glad you're here!"
Customers who feel welcome spend more time, more money and are more likely to return.
The 2 most important words: "Thank you."
Basic manners... but how often do you get thanked when you're the customer?
The MOST important word: "Yes." Become a yes person.
My wife shared an interesting article that had come up in one of the local magazines…
By 2030, considering the current trends in Men:Women ratio, there would be an acute shortage of Girls for marriage.
By 2030, considering the current trends in Men:Women ratio, there would be an acute shortage of Girls for marriage.
Women at this time would actually demand Dowry to get married (Demand Vs Supply Gap).
Can you believe this…could become a reality, if people don’t wake up to ensure a good balance of both the sexes.
Last week I announced a partnership with Indus Ladies website, so here is the first offering - A free ebook "21 Golden Rules for Indian women".
To access this free book, Click on..
It is packed with practical ideas shared by Indusladies members. It is a very interesting read (just 7 pages) and you should definitely download and read it..
Went through the book, and was amazed to see some common themes/ideas that we are discussing here - YOU, Relationships, being happy, Child care…wow!!! (Could not believe my eyes!!)
Went through the book, and was amazed to see some common themes/ideas that we are discussing here - YOU, Relationships, being happy, Child care…wow!!! (Could not believe my eyes!!)
Interestingly some similar and some not so similar perspectives, I am sure you will relish every bit of this article.
Dr.Ginger ….
Our Grandmas had an inexhaustible stock of fresh ginger and dried ginger in the kitchen.
Our Grandmas had an inexhaustible stock of fresh ginger and dried ginger in the kitchen.
Stomach upset? Indigestion? Head Ache? Nausea? Rumbling in the tummy due to gas? Reach Out to Ginger - Fresh or Dry. The Dry Ginger is called Chukku in Tamizh and Malayalam.
Grandma recipes:
* Drink made with Ginger and Lime. Cumin seeds soaked in Ginger Juice to chew in case of a heavy feeling and an ominous onslaught of stomach upsets after sumptuous feasts.
Grandma recipes:

* A cup of tea with a dash of ginger and mint is so refreshing!
* Ayurveda says that even if a small piece of the Ginger Skin gets into your system , it is dangerous. So, see that you scrub the vegetable clean—remove all the skin- before using it.
* You can also add small pieces of ginger in your cooking too - Curd rice, Pongal, Uppumma…
Here is an Easy to make Ginger & Lime Concoction ( an Elixir)…
*Ginger-peeled & washed - 100gms; Fresh Lime; Salt or sugar as preferred.

Grind the ginger well with little water first. When it turns soft and
pasty, add a cup of water. Grind well and strain.
Squeeze the limes and add the extract to the Ginger juice. Mix well, bottle and refrigerate.
No additives or preservative as this can be made fresh every week.
Take a little in a glass, add sugar or salt and enjoy.
Here’s another tip:
To those who are prone to heaviness, over-weight, aches and pain in the legs and chronic lethargy…
Here’s another tip:
To those who are prone to heaviness, over-weight, aches and pain in the legs and chronic lethargy…
*Have a Teaspoon of fresh ginger extract mixed with a spoon of Lime Juice early in the morning.
*Have your first mouthful of rice at lunch with half a teaspoon of dry ginger powder and a teaspoon of ghee.
* Consume between 3p.m and 4 p.m, an ounce of warm water with three generous pinches of Kadukkai Powder( kadukkai in Tamizh, Hardad / Haritaki or Harada in Hindi and Urdu, Karakkaya in Telugu, …
Follow this for 48 days twice a year and no big illness will befall you. It is said that even an old man will discard his stick and start running with this routine .
Etiquettes – Toilet
Backdoor Entrance – Proper use..
* Men, in case the toilet seat is down, please put it up before using; Women, please put it up after using

* Women, please cover your sanitary waste properly and dispose it into a covered dustbin
* Always remember to flush the toilet. If there is not enough water coming, inform the housekeeping department immediately. Don’t wait for someone else to do..
* Always wash your hands after using the restroom. Even if you don’t believe in personal hygiene, your colleagues will paint a very "dirty" picture of you.
* Do not wet the toilet
* Do not sit in the toilet for a long time
* Don’t ever gossip – Remember, walls have ears
* Don’t stink up the bathroom. If you have a bad stomach, excuse yourself and go home.
Laughter – the best medicine
Laughter – the best medicine
All in the family
The prospective son in law was asked by his girlfriend's father, "Son can you support a family?"
"Well, No sir , he replied, "I was just planning to support your daughter. The rest of you have to fend yourselves."
A priest is walking down the street one day when he notices a very small boy trying to press a doorbell on a house across the street.
However, the boy is very small and the doorbell is too high for him to reach.
After watching the boy's efforts for some time, the priest moves closer to the boy's position.
He steps smartly across the street, walks up behind the little fellow and, placing his hand kindly on the child's shoulder leans over and gives the doorbell a sold ring.
Crouching down to the child's level, the priest smiles benevolently and asks, "And now what, my little man?"
To which the boy replies, "Now we run!"
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