Monday, March 5, 2012

Taking Decisions in tough times...

Well…We (My wife and me) were in a big dilemma on a Major life decision that we had to take.

In reality, it is a very a simple situation complicated by too many variables.

We had agreed on a particular path and we had sat and discussed on the wonderful benefits which all of us would have.We were excited to take this path and glad that it was finally coming to light.

All this suddenly changed on one fine day/ a small event and also because of changed decisions of people close to us, which had a Big impact on us. Now, we were in a real quandary on whether to go on that particular path. Newer challenges seemed to crop out of nowhere and our mind seemed totally cluttered with all the challenges that we would have to face, if we go down our chosen path.

Hmm…a week of sleepless nights, a little tension on the future – Hmmm..too many things and too many variables and Too much tension!!

We closed the chosen idea and started to work on alternatives!!

Interesting ideas and even more good options now became available.Some options had more advantages than the chosen path..hmm!!

So here we are now ready for a change – acceptance, and we start to do the ground work on planning to execute the new alternative…but something something inside was still all not Ok!!

Hmm…time to take a final decision and go to Execute the alternative chosen!!

I get a call from my school friend living abroad asking if we could meet – he says it would be a short meeting only, since he has to leave the same night. Momentarily I forget about the BIG decision/ challenges and with loads of fond childhood recollections & memories, I go to meet my friend.

We casually chat and catch up on our lives within those 50 minutes and end up discussing a number of things – family, friends, School, etc..(No bitching though!! ;-() ) During the course of the conversation, something which he speaks strikes a chord in me…

It is now time to go and we profoundly say those last few words which good friends tell if they are going to see each other only after a long while.

But I also tell him “thanks” for giving me clarity on the path that I want to choose!! We had discussed in between on this topic, but when he connected with his example…things started to look so different, and the variables and challenges that came up no longer looked big!! There are work-arounds, there will be challenges, but time to rethink!!!

I go home and announce to my wife that “Hey – let us go down the original path and Let us make it happen!!!”

A sound of joy erupts – turning around, I see my daughter jump with joy at this decision – Seeing this,Joy erupts all around the house - we realized THEN that this is what the heart has been saying always!!

Yes, there will be challenges, but we agreed to work with them and make this a Great decision!!!And So, the decision was made!!! :-)

A chance meeting and a Happy decision at the end!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Balaji,

Nice to read your experiance...

You were fortunate enough to go back to your original decision. But there are times things take the role of Saturn and to go with our new plan.

To me the key thing is the acceptance of any CHANGE. One need to quickly realise the CHANGE, accept it and adapt it.

Enjoyed reading!

Good nite

Anonymous said...

Missed to give my identity - this is Gayathry Rajagopalan

Anonymous said...

Good one!..Interesting!..Always heart will lead & soul will follow! That has been my experience too! :)- If we try to reverse it..somehow it does not work for me too!
OK!..Too senti!..So let me stop!

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