Hi Friends, here is an altogether different edition on parenting for parents, Would be parents and Young people. Sharing's from an Interesting eBook that I am reading – Hope you will make the most of it.
On Brining up Children
How to Be the Best Parent – By Natalie Hernandez
Being a parent is one of the most fulfilling experiences a person can have, as well as the hardest. If only children came with a manual, right? In this article I will offer some helpful advice I have learned along the way as a parent to three children. I have learned from fellow parents, doctors, books and most importantly my children themselves. I hope you find it helpful!
The most important children of any age need is love. You need to express your love for them emotionally, physically, and spiritually. You can do this in several ways, here are a few things to always remember to do as a parent.
Simple smile - giving your child a sincere smile can help boost their confidence. It may seem like such a nonchalant thing to do, but in a child's eye a smile form their parent means approval and support.
A hug - Everyone needs physical contact and who better to share with then your child. Make it a habit to share a hug or several hugs with them throughout the day, every day. It can make all the difference in the world.
Communication - Talking with your children on a daily basis is the best way to stay close with them and allow them to share their day with you. Tell them you love them and are proud of them often. It is important for you as a parent to always listen to them as well as
talk to them.
Spend time with them - Set aside some quality time with your child often. So many times
parents are to busy and forget to do this, but it is so important! Depending on what your child is into at the moment take them out to the Zoo, park, museum, aquarium, theme park, or whatever. As long as you get in quality time it will be great for not only your child but yourself as well. Make sure to attend school functions so they know you support them. If they are into sports attend their games so they see you in the crowd. This gives them a sense of pride and they know you support them.
If you make the excuse you can't miss work then look at it this way, your child is growing up fast and what you do will last in their mind forever. If you would rather work then support them it will haunt them forever. The time missed at work will be well worth it.
Privacy - Everyone needs their privacy. Give your child privacy so they do not feel like they are constantly under surveillance around you. You don't want them to feel they have to hide things from you. No matter how tempting it can be to read their diary or go through their dresser drawers, resist! You want them to feel comfortable in their own room. Unless you really feel there is a problem then you should be able to just talk to them and see how things are with them and what they are going through.
Set boundaries - Yes, every child needs boundaries. Many parents try to be their child's friend rather then a parent and that is not the right way to go. You want them to know there are certain things they have to follow such as a bedtime, curfew, talking back, respect, etc. Of course children will always try to over step these boundaries but in the end they will learn you do it because you love them.
Setting boundaries will help to so learn that they have limitations for their own good. Set rules that apply to every person so you all can lead a happy and productive life.
Be consistent - Children need consistency in their lives to understand what is right and wrong. You want to enforce the same rules all the time, control your temper, communicate with them, discipline, etc. Doing this helps them to learn there are consequences for their actions all the time. This will help them to live on the right path and focus on positive behavior.
Praise your child - Make sure they really know when you are proud of them. Encourage them to follow their dreams and offer them support. It is so important parents realize their child is not an extension of themselves, rather an individual they are responsible for sending out in the world with the knowledge and love they need.
Discipline - When you do have to discipline make sure they understand the reason for it. It is important to avoid criticism by focusing on the behavior. Rather teach them what they should have done instead of yelling at them and saying things you will later regret. Be assertive yet kind when pointing out what they have done wrong. Sometimes this can be hard, but it is the best way to teach them. The best way to teach them is to lead by example, don't be the parent who says do as I say not as I do. Children will always follow the paths lead by their parents.
Let them experience life for themselves -Sometimes the best way to learn is to learn first hand. As long as it will not harm your child, sometimes it is best to let them make their own decisions. You can't make all the decisions for them all the time. Sometimes they have to learn how to live with the consequences from the choices they make. You don't ant to lose control, just allow them to experience some of life's lessons on their own. Allow them to make a few decisions but not to many on their own to help prepare them for their independence and adulthood. Hopefully this will teach them sometimes parents do know best and they will ask for your opinion.
Love your child unconditionally all the time and never make them into who you think they should be. Rather you want your child to grow into who they were meant to be. All you can do is lead your child in the right direction and trust them to make the right choices. A child who knows they are loved by their parents is more likely to take the right path, then seek approval from their peers.
As well as showing them you love them, it is important to have an environment for them that is worthy of a child. Keep it a way you would be proud to show anyone. If you have things you are addicted to then it is time to get help for those addictions so they are not around your child. For instance if you have a problem with alcohol, drugs, gambling, smoking, arguing with a spouse, or even a bad temper. All of these and more issues can be damaging to your child as a person, not only emotionally, physically, spiritually but even financially. You want to create a welcoming and comfortable environment for them to live in and feel proud of.
Show off your child in photographs throughout your home. When a child sees you displaying them on the walls, and other places they feel proud. This also gives them a sense of belonging in your home. You can also display their work, art, trophies, medals or anything else you know they feel proud of accomplishing.
Another biggie, is the way you argue with your spouse. It is inevitable after all everyone fight, you should just learn to do it the right way. When you have children you don't want to raise them in a home where there is constant tension in the home. Never argue in front of your child. Talk to your spouse in a calm fashion. You should try to wait until the children are asleep and then deal quietly with the issues at hand so your children do not hear it. Children will learn to argue the way they see their parents do it. Remember they are always watching you!
Never compare your children to others, especially siblings! This is a huge one that can really damage their self esteem. As a parent you need to embrace the uniqueness in each child rather then try to morph them into who you want to be. Being a parent is not about controlling them,
but rather guiding them in the right direction. Instill self esteem in your child by allowing them to embrace their differences and talents even if it is not something you wanted them to do. For instance if you want them to be a doctor but they want to be a musician, allow them to follow their dreams and see where it takes them.
Think about your own childhood and what you wished your parents would have done differently. There is always room for improvement and just remember your child will one day be a parent and reflect on their own childhood, so make them have more positive reflections then negative ones. No one is perfect and all you can do is your best. Just as each adult is different so is each child. Embrace them now because they grow up so fast! You don't want to be filled with guilt years later, do what is right for you and your child NOW!
Oh, BTW – Happy Fathers Day! (To all the Proud fathers!!)
Please do Spend quality time with your Father / Mother reminiscing the Good Ol Days and I am sure they will have a lot to talk about their "Wonderful World" – YOU!!! Bask in the glory of the unlimited warmth / praise that they would throw at you and cherish your moment!!
This day is just a small remembrance day to re-enforce positive thoughts, wishes for your parents and place it at the back of your mind that you indeed care for them.
To our Parents, it is one lovely day to reminiscence YOUR childhood and carry on for the rest of the year..
Just go ahead and give a call or take time off to visit your parents!!
On Brining up Children
How to Be the Best Parent – By Natalie Hernandez
Being a parent is one of the most fulfilling experiences a person can have, as well as the hardest. If only children came with a manual, right? In this article I will offer some helpful advice I have learned along the way as a parent to three children. I have learned from fellow parents, doctors, books and most importantly my children themselves. I hope you find it helpful!
The most important children of any age need is love. You need to express your love for them emotionally, physically, and spiritually. You can do this in several ways, here are a few things to always remember to do as a parent.

A hug - Everyone needs physical contact and who better to share with then your child. Make it a habit to share a hug or several hugs with them throughout the day, every day. It can make all the difference in the world.
Communication - Talking with your children on a daily basis is the best way to stay close with them and allow them to share their day with you. Tell them you love them and are proud of them often. It is important for you as a parent to always listen to them as well as
talk to them.
Spend time with them - Set aside some quality time with your child often. So many times

If you make the excuse you can't miss work then look at it this way, your child is growing up fast and what you do will last in their mind forever. If you would rather work then support them it will haunt them forever. The time missed at work will be well worth it.
Privacy - Everyone needs their privacy. Give your child privacy so they do not feel like they are constantly under surveillance around you. You don't want them to feel they have to hide things from you. No matter how tempting it can be to read their diary or go through their dresser drawers, resist! You want them to feel comfortable in their own room. Unless you really feel there is a problem then you should be able to just talk to them and see how things are with them and what they are going through.
Set boundaries - Yes, every child needs boundaries. Many parents try to be their child's friend rather then a parent and that is not the right way to go. You want them to know there are certain things they have to follow such as a bedtime, curfew, talking back, respect, etc. Of course children will always try to over step these boundaries but in the end they will learn you do it because you love them.
Setting boundaries will help to so learn that they have limitations for their own good. Set rules that apply to every person so you all can lead a happy and productive life.

Praise your child - Make sure they really know when you are proud of them. Encourage them to follow their dreams and offer them support. It is so important parents realize their child is not an extension of themselves, rather an individual they are responsible for sending out in the world with the knowledge and love they need.
Discipline - When you do have to discipline make sure they understand the reason for it. It is important to avoid criticism by focusing on the behavior. Rather teach them what they should have done instead of yelling at them and saying things you will later regret. Be assertive yet kind when pointing out what they have done wrong. Sometimes this can be hard, but it is the best way to teach them. The best way to teach them is to lead by example, don't be the parent who says do as I say not as I do. Children will always follow the paths lead by their parents.
Let them experience life for themselves -Sometimes the best way to learn is to learn first hand. As long as it will not harm your child, sometimes it is best to let them make their own decisions. You can't make all the decisions for them all the time. Sometimes they have to learn how to live with the consequences from the choices they make. You don't ant to lose control, just allow them to experience some of life's lessons on their own. Allow them to make a few decisions but not to many on their own to help prepare them for their independence and adulthood. Hopefully this will teach them sometimes parents do know best and they will ask for your opinion.
Love your child unconditionally all the time and never make them into who you think they should be. Rather you want your child to grow into who they were meant to be. All you can do is lead your child in the right direction and trust them to make the right choices. A child who knows they are loved by their parents is more likely to take the right path, then seek approval from their peers.
As well as showing them you love them, it is important to have an environment for them that is worthy of a child. Keep it a way you would be proud to show anyone. If you have things you are addicted to then it is time to get help for those addictions so they are not around your child. For instance if you have a problem with alcohol, drugs, gambling, smoking, arguing with a spouse, or even a bad temper. All of these and more issues can be damaging to your child as a person, not only emotionally, physically, spiritually but even financially. You want to create a welcoming and comfortable environment for them to live in and feel proud of.
Show off your child in photographs throughout your home. When a child sees you displaying them on the walls, and other places they feel proud. This also gives them a sense of belonging in your home. You can also display their work, art, trophies, medals or anything else you know they feel proud of accomplishing.

Never compare your children to others, especially siblings! This is a huge one that can really damage their self esteem. As a parent you need to embrace the uniqueness in each child rather then try to morph them into who you want to be. Being a parent is not about controlling them,

Think about your own childhood and what you wished your parents would have done differently. There is always room for improvement and just remember your child will one day be a parent and reflect on their own childhood, so make them have more positive reflections then negative ones. No one is perfect and all you can do is your best. Just as each adult is different so is each child. Embrace them now because they grow up so fast! You don't want to be filled with guilt years later, do what is right for you and your child NOW!
Oh, BTW – Happy Fathers Day! (To all the Proud fathers!!)

This day is just a small remembrance day to re-enforce positive thoughts, wishes for your parents and place it at the back of your mind that you indeed care for them.
To our Parents, it is one lovely day to reminiscence YOUR childhood and carry on for the rest of the year..
Just go ahead and give a call or take time off to visit your parents!!
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